We Blame The Empire se (začasno) poslavljajo

FOTO: Denis Paradiž 2018
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Avstrijska metalcore senzacija We Blame The Empire se po desetih letih obratovanja poslavlja – na nedefinirano dolgi počitek.

Bend je slabo uro nazaj na svojih socialnih omrežjih objavil sledeči zapis:

TIME-OUT incoming!
The most important thing about this band for us was always our friendship and the wellbeing of each member. So things are only fun if they are fun for all of us.
WBTE was and still is quality time for us. We have been doing this in the same constellation together sind 2014 without any changes. To keep this spirit alive we need to be Borsti, Moli, Bucar, Prilli and Tschyssl again and do the necessary stuff for our wellbeing, finish studies, finally have some time for Family and Friends, Holiday and take Care our friendship, do all of the things we did in the beginning of our journey together that initially created our special spirit.
We need to try out new stuff to create the best Version of WBTE we can imagine in order to make this band – our family – work for the next 10 years.
Catch us on one of these events before we take our urgently needed timeout. Let’s create some memorable evenings an go deepsh*t crazy:
30.10.24 Ghost Inside Support
31.10.24 Secret Halloween Show
11.01.25 Timeout Show
Please don‘t ask us how when we‘ll be back, we want to take all the outside pressure of our shoulders. You‘ll be the first to know when we are coming back to destroy stages again.

We Blame The Empire smo pri Rockline sicer prvič v živo srečali leta 2017, ko so kot predskupina nastopili za Crystal Lake na Dunaju. Od takrat, samo jih v živo videlu kar devetnajstkrat. Gre se po našem skomnem mnenju za skupino, ki v osprednje poriva avstrijski metalcore. Pevec Borsti je sicer z vsakim nastopom bolj podoben legendarnemu Ryo Kinoshiti, saj se tudi on vedno bolj spreminja v nekakšno ping pong žogico na samem odru, kar iskreno upamo, da v času premora ne zamre. Skupaj s svojimi kolegi kot so Street To the Ocean, Kill The Lycan, Leons Massacare in mnogomi drugi so v zadnjem desetletju fantje nedvomno pustili pečat v lokalni avstrijski sceni kot tudi v tujini. V upanju, da se čimprej vrnejo nazaj na odre in pred naše objektive pa morda njihov najbolj prepoznavem komad:

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