Ultravox z jubilejnim ponatisom albuma “Lament”

Ultravox 1984 (press/promo)
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Ultravox pripravljajo za 6. 9. 2024 pri založbi Chrysalis Records ponatis svojega albuma “Lament”, ki je izšel originalno leta 1984 in bo v ‘de-luxe’ različici vseboval kar osem CD-jev ter dodatni DVD.

Ponatis albuma “Lament” sledi podobnim potezam, s katerimi so Ultravox poskrbeli že za ponatis prvih treh Midge Ure-era Ultravox albumov: “Vienna” (1980), “Rage In Eden” (1981) in “Quartet” (1982).

Ponatis bo vseboval zbirko dvainsedemdesetih skladb, med njim 45. neizdanih, pri tem pa je za novo stereo in ‘surround’ miks obdelavo zvoka poskrbel Steven Wilson.

Album “Lament” je bil četrti po vrsti v času, ko je s skupino sodeloval vokalist in kitarist Midge Ure obenem pa zadnji z bobnarjem Warrenom Cannom vse do združitvenega albuma “Brilliant”, ki je izšel leta 2012. Na albumu “Lament” so Ultravox sodelovali s Connyjem Plankom in Georgeom Martinom, pri čemer so Ultravox producirali “Lament” povsem sami. Album je skupini prinesel velik komercialni uspeh ter tri velike hite: One Small Day, Dancing With Tears In My Eyes in naslovni single.

Ponatis albuma “Lament” lahko že prednaročite.

Ultravox – “Lament”:

7CD/DVD Box Set
White China
One Small Day
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes
Man of Two Worlds
Heart of The Country
When The Time Comes
A Friend I Call Desire 

White China *
One Small Day *
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes *
Lament *
Man of Two Worlds *
Heart of The Country *
When The Time Comes *
A Friend I Call Desire  *
Easterly [B-side] *
Building [B-side] *
Love’s Great Adventure [A-side Single] *

CD3: LAMENT [Extended Re-Mix] *
White China [Extended Re-Mix] *
One Small Day [Extended Re-Mix] *
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Blank & Jones so8os Reconstruction] *
Lament [Moby Remix] *
Man of Two Worlds [Extended Re-Mix] *
Heart of The Country [Extended Re-Mix] *
When The Time Comes [Steven Wilson 12” Re-Mix] *
A Friend I Call Desire [Steven Wilson 12” Re-Mix] *

CD4: LAMENT [Single Mixes/B-Sides/Rarities]
One Small Day [U.S. Single Edit]
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Single Version]
One Small Day [U.S. Club Version]
Lament [Single Version]
Heart of The Country [Instrumental]
Love’s Great Adventure
White China [Live at Hammersmith Odeon, June 1984]
Man of Two Worlds [Instrumental]
White China [Rough Mix]*
Lament [Backing Track]*
Man of Two Worlds [Monitor Mix]*
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Piano Version]*
Love’s Great Adventure [Work In Progress]*
Threads 1*
Threads 2 [Love’s Great Adventure Theme]*

One Small Day [Special Re-Mix]
One Small Day [Special Extra Re-Mix Extra]
White China [Special Re-Mix]
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Special Re-Mix]
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes [Extended]
Lament [Extended Version]
Heart of The Country [Unedited Special Re-Mix]*
Love’s Great Adventure [Extended Version]
One Small Day [Final Mix]

CD7: SET MOVEMENTS: Hammersmith 1984 [Pt.I]
Man of Two Worlds*
Passing Strangers*
We Stand Alone*
New Europeans *
I Remember (Death In The Afternoon)*
Visions In Blue*
Heart of The Country*
Western Promise*

CD8: SET MOVEMENTS: Hammersmith 1984 [Pt.II]
Reap The Wild Wind*
We Came to Dance*
White China*
One Small Day*
The Voice*
Dancing With Tears In My Eyes*
All Stood Still*

DVD [Audio Only]: 
Lament/B-sides: Steven Wilson Mix*
DTS 24/96 5.1 Surround Mix
DOLBY AC3 5.1 Surround Mix
24/96 LPCM Stereo.
Lament/B-Sides: Original 1984 Mixes
24/96 LPCM Stereo Mix.

* Previously Unreleased

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