The Vicious Head Society najavljajo album “Extinction Level Event” in predstavljajo single “The Signal”

The Vicious Head Society 2021
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“Extinction Level Event” je naslov dolgo pričakovanega novega studijskega albuma progresivnometalskega projekta z nazivom The Vicious Head Society, ki nagovarja zelo pomenljivo glede na dogodke, ki smo jih preživeli v preteklem letu. Pozor! Na tem albumu igra bobne slovenski bobnarski velemojster Klemen Markelj! (scroll down and find an English version)

Graham Keane, glasbeni vizionar in kitarski virtuoz, ki je oče The Vicious Head Society, ni bil edini, ki je poklapano spremljal, kako se ruši svet okrog nas. Vsak pa je v teh čudnih časih našel svojo zaposlitev. Nekateri so gledali stare dokumentarce in filme, poslušali plošče, našli nove konjičke, drugi pa so tiho skladali novo glasbo, ki jo bodo predstavili v poletju publiki.

Albumski prvenec The Vicious Head Society, izdan leta 2017, z naslovom “Abject Tomorrow”, je delo na katerem so svoje sledi zapustili renomirani gostje, kot je Derek Sherinian (Black Country Communion, Sons of Apollo, Alice Cooper, ex-Dream Theater) in Grahamova irska rojaka basist Pat Byrne in bobnar Kevin Talley. “Abject Tomorrow” je prejel odlične glasbene kritike, privrženci takšne glasbe, pa so ga sprejeli z odprtimi rokami. Objave v reviji Metal Hammer in rotacije na nacionalni radijski postaji, so utrjevale Grahamov sloves.

Novi studijski dosežek “Extinction Level Event” bo tako izšel 28. 5. 2021 pri založbi Hostile Media! Spodaj lahko preverite naslovnico novega albuma, seznam skladb, prav tako pa prvi video za single “The Signal”.

Graham pravi o albumu sledeče: “Extinction Level Event” je album, ki govori o koncu sveta. Gre za koncept, ki so se ga tako ali drugače lotevali pred menoj že mnogi drugi. Vendar pa je bistvena razlika ta, da sem želel raziskati zgodbe na individualnem nivoju oziroma se poglobiti v zgodbe o tem kako posamznik doživlja svoj neizbežni propad.”

“Album naniza sedem zgodb, ki jih pripoveduje sedem različnih ljudi, soočenih s koncem sveta, kako zaznavajo dogodke in kako ti vplivajo na njihova življenja. Se bodo spoprijeli s koncem ponosno? V osnovi nagovarja koncept na tak način tudi slehernega poslušalca albuma. Žalovanje in izguba, nista nikdar mnogo oddaljena… ali bomo v srcih nosili jezo, grenkobo in zamere do smrti, ali smo pripravljeni odpuščanja? In konec koncev, ali so v naših življenjih ljudje, ki si zaslužijo odpuščanja?”

Tako kot na predhodniku “Abject Tomorrow” je vokalne dolžnosti na novem albumu znova prevzel Nathan Maxx. Graham pravi, da je bil Nathan znova idealna izbira pri oživljanju sporočil v poeziji, saj zna z vokalom pričarati različna čustvena stanja. Bobne na novem albumu je je odigral slovenski bonarski as Klemen Markelj, medtem ko je bas kitaro prispeval Pat Byrne (Hedfuzy). Nahuel Ramos, ki je igral že na prvem albumu, znova skrbi za klaviature, izmed gostov pa se pojavita na albumu avstralski virtuoz Chris Brooks in violinistka Shelley Weiss. Poleg tega je Graham želel kombinirati nekatere vokalne linije tudi z grčanjem (‘growl’), zato se je obrnil na pomoč k Andyju Ennisu iz zasedbe Overoth.

Album, na katerem se nahajata tudi dve instrumentalni skladbi, je miksal in masteriziral Matheus Manente.

Album bo dostopen kot CD, v digitalnem formatu, prav tako pa bo na razpolago v količinsko omejeni nakladi zaboja z obliko ‘časovne kapsule’, ki ga lahko ekskluzivno naročite TUKAJ!

Seznam skladb:
1. Extinction Level Event
2. Solipsism
3. The Signal
4. Judgement
5. Throes of Despair
6. YP138
7. On a Silver Thread
8. Absolution
9. Hymn of Creation

Extinction Level Event; one could say this long awaited title reveal of the forthcoming album from The Vicious Head Society today is quite apt given what the world has endured the last year or more. At a time of uncertainty, Irish guitar virtuoso Graham Keane, the brainchild behind The Vicious Head Society, has been hunkered down like the most of us. However, while some of us were taking up new hobbies or ploughing through documentaries, and binge watching boxsets, one of us has been quietly fine tuning his latest epic for an exciting unveil this summer.

Following on from his 2017 debut Abject Tomorrow, an album which featured notable guests such as Derek Sherinan of Alice Cooper fame, fellow Irishman and bass player Pat Byrne, and drum machine Kevin Talley. Abject Tomorrow gained recognition from prog metal fans the world over, with spreads in the likes of UK’s Metal Hammer and airplay on national radio only further cementing Graham’s reputation.

As well as the full details reveal today, The Vicious Head Society have also released the first single ‘The Signal’ which is available now on all streaming platforms as well as right here on YouTube.

Graham discusses his new album, “In very basic terms, Extinction Level Event is an album about the end of the world. This is a concept that has been explored in various other forms of media but on this album, I wanted to explore personal stories about how people might react to knowing their demise is imminent.”

“It tells the stories of 7 different people facing the end, how they process the event, what meaning or impact their lives have had. It asks what they cherish, what grudges or ill will they hold on to. Will they face the end with dignity? Essentially, the album asks the same question of us, the listener. Grief and loss are never far away… are we willing to carry bitterness, anger and resentment to our death or are we willing to let go? Conversely, are there people in our lives that are deserving of forgiveness?”

As with Abject Tomorrow Nathan Maxx returns on vocals. Graham adds that “his voice was the perfect fit for this more modern sound. He was able to deliver versatile and very emotive vocals for every song.” Likewise Klemen Markelj is back on drums along with Pat Byrne of Hedfuzy on bass. Nahuel Ramos who played on the first album is also back to offer some keyboard solos and there are guest appearances from Australian virtuoso Chris Brooks and violinist Shelley Weiss. In addition, Graham wanted to have a dedicated growler for this album and after hearing Andy Ennis’ work with Overoth, he reached out and asked him to jump on board.

The album was mixed and mastered by Matheus Manente who also added some additional instrumentation. Graham said that, “he really has a deep understanding of the music and was an absolute godsend to work with. I can’t praise him enough! Musically, I feel it has a more modern sound than Abject Tomorrow. I was conscious of indulging too much this time and wanted things to be more concise. That’s not to say there aren’t plenty of tangential musical explorations but I felt that I needed to reign things in a little. For the people who love that side of prog, there are two instrumentals on the album! It’s a very heavy album but also very melodic… my favourite writers have always managed to tread that line very carefully and I did my best to emulate them here. There’s also a lot more continuity in terms of instrumentation. Seeing as it explores the end of the world, I thought it would be cool to explore my own childhood fear of nuclear war. I used a lot early 80’s synth sounds to capture the feel and sound of that time.”

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