The Beatles z ‘de-luxe’ zabojnikom in ponatisom klasičnega albuma “Revolver”

foto: Apple Corps Ltd./Capitol/UMe
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The Beatles bodo deležni dolgo pričakovanega ponatisa svojega klasičnega albuma “Revolver” iz leta 1966, ki bo izšel v posebnem, razširjenem ‘super de-luxe’ zaboju.

Razkošni zaboj bo na voljo 28. 10. 2022 pri založbi Universal Music Group.

Ponatis albuma bo na razpolago v kar nekaj različnih konfiguracijah, in sicer kot: samostojni vinil, slikovni disk, CD ter razširjenih CD in CD/vinil kombinacijah. Za to priložnost je material doživel remiks s strani producenta Gilesa Martina in inženirja Sama Okella v stereo in Dolby Atmos različici.

Fizične in digitalne kolekcije tega ‘super de-luxe’ zaboja bodo vsebovale original mono miks, ki izvirajo iz originalnih 1966 master trakov 1966, poleg pa bo dodanih kar 28. dodatnih zgodnjih verzij skladb iz studia ter trije domači demo posnetki. V zaboj bo dodan EP s štirimi skladbami z novimi stereo miksi in remateriziranimi originalnimi mono miksi skladb Paperback Writer ter Rain. Medtem je že izšel single Taxman z novim 2022 miksom, ki ga najdete spodaj. Spodaj se nahaja tudi promocijski video, ter seznam vsega materiala.

‘Super de-luxe’ zabojnik ponatisa albuma Revolver dostopen v verziji petih CD-jev (stereo in mono avdio verzije) ali štirih vinilov h katerim bo dodan sedem inčni EP (stereo in mono avdio verzije). Material je posnet ob polovični hitrosti na 180 gramskih vinilih. Obe verziji vsebujeta 100 stransko knjižico (v trdi vezavi).

Prednaročilo ponatis albuma “Revolver” je že na voljo TUKAJ.

The Beatles: Revolver Special Edition verzije:

Revolver Special Edition (Super Deluxe): 63 skladb
* Digital Audio Collection (stereo & hi res 96kHz/24-bit stereo + mono + Dolby Atmos)
* 5CD (stereo & mono audio) with 100-page hardbound book in a 12.56” x 12.36” slipcase
* 4LP+7-inch EP (stereo & mono audio) on half-speed mastered 180-gram vinyl with 100-page hardbound book in a 12.56” x 12.36” slipcase
Disc 1: Revolver (New stereo mix): 14 tracks
Discs 2 & 3: Sessions (stereo & mono): 31 tracks
Disc 4: Revolver (Original mono master): 14 tracks
Disc 5: Revolver EP: 4 tracks
“Paperback Writer” & “Rain” (New stereo mixes & Original mono mixes remastered)

Revolver Special Edition (Deluxe): 29 skladb
* 2CD in digipak with a 40-page booklet abridged from the Super Deluxe book
Disc 1: Revolver (New stereo mix): 14 tracks
Dsci 2: Sessions highlights + “Paperback Writer” & “Rain” (New stereo mixes): 15 tracks
Revolver Special Edition (Standard): 14 skladb
* Digital (New album mix in stereo & hi res 96kHz/24-bit stereo + new Dolby Atmos mix)
* 1CD in digipak (New stereo mix)
* 1LP (New stereo mix) on half-speed mastered 180-gram vinyl
* Limited Edition 1LP vinyl picture disc (New stereo mix) illustrated with the album cover art 

Revolver Special Edition seznam skladb:

Super Deluxe CD [5CD + 100-page hardbound book in slipcase | digital audio collection]
CD1: Revolver (New stereo mix)
1: Taxman
2: Eleanor Rigby
3: I’m Only Sleeping
4: Love You To
5: Here, There And Everywhere
6: Yellow Submarine
7: She Said She Said
8: Good Day Sunshine
9: And Your Bird Can Sing
10: For No One
11: Doctor Robert
12: I Want To Tell You
13: Got To Get You Into My Life
14: Tomorrow Never Knows
CD2: Sessions One
1: Tomorrow Never Knows (Take 1)
2: Tomorrow Never Knows (Mono mix RM 11)
3: Got To Get You Into My Life (First version) – Take 5
4: Got To Get You Into My Life (Second version) – Unnumbered mix – mono
5: Got To Get You Into My Life (Second version) – Take 8
6: Love You To (Take 1) – mono
7: Love You To (Unnumbered rehearsal) – mono
8: Love You To (Take 7)
9: Paperback Writer (Takes 1 and 2) – Backing track – mono
10: Rain (Take 5 – Actual speed)
11: Rain (Take 5 – Slowed down for master tape)
12: Doctor Robert (Take 7)
13: And Your Bird Can Sing (First version) – Take 2
14: And Your Bird Can Sing (First version) – Take 2 (giggling)
CD3: Sessions Two
1: And Your Bird Can Sing (Second version) – Take 5
2: Taxman (Take 11)
3: I’m Only Sleeping (Rehearsal fragment) – mono
4: I’m Only Sleeping (Take 2) – mono
5: I’m Only Sleeping (Take 5) – mono
6: I’m Only Sleeping (Mono mix RM1)
7: Eleanor Rigby (Speech before Take 2)
8: Eleanor Rigby (Take 2)
9: For No One (Take 10) – Backing track
10: Yellow Submarine (Songwriting work tape – Part 1) – mono
11: Yellow Submarine (Songwriting work tape – Part 2) – mono
12: Yellow Submarine (Take 4 before sound effects)
13: Yellow Submarine (Highlighted sound effects)
14: I Want To Tell You (Speech and Take 4)
15: Here, There And Everywhere (Take 6)
16: She Said She Said (John’s demo) – mono
17: She Said She Said (Take 15) – Backing track rehearsal
CD4: Revolver (Original mono master) 
Album tracklist (same as above)
CD5: Revolver EP
1: Paperback Writer (New stereo mix)
2: Rain (New stereo mix)
3: Paperback Writer (Original mono mix remastered)
4: Rain (Original mono mix remastered)

Super Deluxe vinyl [limited edition 4LP+7-inch EP + 100-page hardbound book in slipcase]
LP One: Revolver (New stereo mix)
Side 1
1: Taxman
2: Eleanor Rigby
3: I’m Only Sleeping
4: Love You To
5: Here, There And Everywhere
6: Yellow Submarine
7: She Said She Said
Side 2
1: Good Day Sunshine
2: And Your Bird Can Sing
3: For No One
4: Doctor Robert
5: I Want To Tell You
6: Got To Get You Into My Life
7: Tomorrow Never Knows
LP Two: Sessions One
Side 1
1: Tomorrow Never Knows (Take 1)
2: Tomorrow Never Knows (Mono mix RM 11)
3: Got To Get You Into My Life (First version) – Take 5
4: Got To Get You Into My Life (Second version) – Unnumbered mix – mono
5: Got To Get You Into My Life (Second version) – Take 8
6: Love You To (Take 1) – mono
7: Love You To (Unnumbered rehearsal) – mono
Side 2
1: Love You To (Take 7)
2: Paperback Writer (Takes 1 and 2) – Backing track – mono
3: Rain (Take 5 – Actual speed)
4: Rain (Take 5 – Slowed down for master tape)
5: Doctor Robert (Take 7)
6: And Your Bird Can Sing (First version) – Take 2
7: And Your Bird Can Sing (First version) – Take 2 (giggling)
LP Three: Sessions Two
Side 1
1: And Your Bird Can Sing (Second version) – Take 5
2: Taxman (Take 11)
3: I’m Only Sleeping (Rehearsal fragment) – mono
4: I’m Only Sleeping (Take 2) – mono
5: I’m Only Sleeping (Take 5) – mono
6: I’m Only Sleeping (Mono mix RM1)
7: Eleanor Rigby (Speech before Take 2)
8: Eleanor Rigby (Take 2)
Side 2
1: For No One (Take 10) – Backing track
2: Yellow Submarine (Songwriting work tape – Part 1) – mono
3: Yellow Submarine (Songwriting work tape – Part 2) – mono
4: Yellow Submarine (Take 4 before sound effects)
5: Yellow Submarine (Highlighted sound effects)
6: I Want To Tell You (Speech and Take 4)
7: Here, There And Everywhere (Take 6)
8: She Said She Said (John’s demo) – mono
9: She Said She Said (Take 15) – Backing track rehearsal
LP Four: Revolver (Original mono master)
Album tracklist (same as above)
Revolver EP (7-inch vinyl)
Side 1
1: Paperback Writer (New stereo mix)
2: Rain (New stereo mix)
Side 2
1: Paperback Writer (Original mono mix remastered)
2: Rain (Original mono mix remastered)

Deluxe CD [2CD in digipak with 40-page booklet]
CD 1: Revolver (New stereo mix)
CD 2: Sessions
1: Paperback Writer (New stereo mix)
2: Rain (New stereo mix)
3: Tomorrow Never Knows (Take 1)
4: Got To Get You Into My Life (Early mix)
5: Love You To (Take 7)
6: Doctor Robert (Take 7)
7: And Your Bird Can Sing (First version) Take 2
8: Taxman (Take 11)
9: I’m Only Sleeping (Take 2) – mono
10: Eleanor Rigby (Take 2)
11: For No One (Take 10) – Backing track
12: Yellow Submarine (Take 4 before sound effects)
13: I Want To Tell You (Speech and Take 4)
14: Here, There And Everywhere (Take 6)
15: She Said She Said (Take 15) – Backing track rehearsal

Standard [1CD | digital | 1LP vinyl | limited edition 1LP picture disc vinyl]
Revolver (New stereo mix)

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