The Alan Parsons Project z razkošnim ponatisom albuma “Pyramid”

The Alan Parsons Project (press/promo)
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The Alan Parsons Project, legendarna art rockovska naveza Alana Parsonsa in Erica Woolfsona, ki je na prelomu sedemdesetih v osemdeseta in v prvi polovici ‘mešala štrene’ na svetovnih glasbenih lestvicah, bo deležna ‘deluks’ ponatisa svojega klasičnega albuma “Pyramid”. Gre za tretji studijski album skupine, ki je originalno izšel leta 1978. Ponatis bo dostopen 23. 8. 2024, zanj bodo poskrbeli pri založbi Cooking Vinyl. Vseboval naj bi kar 50. doslej neizdanih skladb.

Ponatis bo dostopen v razširjenih varietetah, bodisi da govorimo o formatu ‘zgoščenka’ bodisi vinilni plošči. Tu bo zaboj, ki bo vseboval prav vse na enem mestu. Vinil, CD, Blu-ray, sedem-palčni single, z dodanimi miksi v Dolby Atmos in 5.1 Surround Sound zvočnih tehnikah, ki se naslanjajo na originalne ‘večstezne’ master trakove (za vse to je poskrbel Alan Parsons – ‘še živeča’ polovica dua). Zadeva je doživela tudi novo stereo HD in CD remasterizacijo originalnega albuma, za kar je poskrbel Miles Showell. Ves zaboj bo spremljala ilustrirana knjiga v velikosti 12 x 12 palcev na na 60. straneh.

Razširjena izdaja zgoščenke vključuje remaster 2024 izvirnega albuma in štiri dodatne bonus skladbe, kot tudi 12-stransko knjižico s celotnimi besedili, medtem ko vinilni LP vključuje 180-gramsko prozorno vinilko in omejeno izdajo ekskluzivne 180-gramske vinilke ‘D2C gold nugget’ – obe vsebujeta Showellove polhitrostne remasterje izvirnega albuma, posnete v studiu Abbey Road, z eseji in citati Alana Parsonsa, družine Woolfson in znanih glasbenikov.

V času, ko je album “Pyramid” izšel, je vladalo zlasti v ZDA in Veliki Britaniji veliko zanimanje nad čudesi starega Egipta. Osredotočenosti na Gizo, Tutankamona, serijo tamkajšnjih piramid na čelu s Sfingo, ni manjkalo. Tista piramida na dolarskem kovancu, pa kup prispevkov o magičnih lastnostih piramid, pa nenazadnje tudi naslovnica albuma Pink Floyd z nazivom “Dark Side Of The Moon” – album, ki ga je inženiral prav Parsons. Kumulus vsega. Tako se je “Pyramid” prodal v dveh milijonih izvodov ter bil nominiran za Grammyja.

Album “Pyramid” je bil posnet v londonskem studiu Abbey Road, na njem pa so sodelovali mnogi vokalisti, mdr: John Miles, Colin Blunstone, Lenny Zakatek, Jack Harris in Dean Ford. Parsons in Woolfson sta privabila k sodelovanju še nekatere ‘session’ glasbenike, med katerimi je vredno izpostaviti imena: Ian Bairnson, David Paton in bobnar Stuart Elliott – možje iz škotske pop rock zasedbe Pilot. Za zvok skupine je v oziru produkcije skrbel takrat prav Alan Parsons.

Ponatis albuma “Pyramid” lahko že prednaročite.

Alan Parsons Project – “Pyramid”

Super Deluxe Box Set Tracklisting

 2 x 45RPM LPs:
Stran A
1. ‘Voyager’
2. ‘What Goes Up…’
3. ‘The Eagle Will Rise Again’
Stran B
1. ‘One More River’
2. ‘Can’t Take It With You’
Stran C
1. ‘In The Lap Of The Gods’
2. ‘Pyramania’
Side D
1. ‘Hyper-Gamma-Spaces’
2. ‘Shadow Of A Lonely Man’

 CD1 – Original Album 2024 Remaster Plus Expanded Bonus Tracks
1. ‘Voyager’
2. ‘What Goes Up…’
3. ‘The Eagle Will Rise Again’
4. ‘One More River’
5. ‘Can’t Take It With You’
6. ‘In The Lap Of The Gods’
7. ‘Pyramania’
8. ‘Hyper-Gamma-Spaces’
9. ‘Shadow Of A Lonely Man’

 Bonus Tracks
10. ‘Voyager/ What Goes Up…/ The Eagle Will Rise Again’ (Instrumental Version)
11. ‘What Goes Up…/ Little Voice’ (Early Version Demo)
12. ‘Can’t Take It With You’ (Early Version Demo)
13. ‘Hyper-Gamma-Spaces’ (Demo)
14. ‘The Eagle Will Rise Again’ (Alternative Version Backing Track)
15. ‘In The Lap Of The Gods Part 1’ (Demo)
16. ‘In The Lap Of The Gods Part 2’ (Backing Track Rough Mix)

 CD2 – Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diaries  
1. ‘Pyramid Structure Talking’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
2. ‘Little Voice/ What Goes Up…’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
3. ‘The Eagle Will Rise Again’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
4. ‘One More River’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
5. ‘In The Lap of the Gods’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
6. ‘Pyramania’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
7. ‘Broken/Pyramania’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
8. ‘Shadow of a Lonely Man’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
9. ‘Start of writing Gemini for Eye in the Sky’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
10. ‘Start of writing Nothing Left to Lose for TOFC’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
11. ‘Start of writing Snake Eyes for TOFC’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)

 Previously Unreleased Songs
12. ‘Pyramid Instrumental’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
13. ‘Pyramid Clavichord’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
14. ‘Little Voice’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
15. ‘Broken’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
16. ‘On It Goes’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
17. ‘Open Your Eyes’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
18. ‘If I Could Do It All Again’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
19. ‘We Can Do It’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
20. ‘Taking It All Away’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
21. ‘Elsie’s Theme’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
22. ‘Hazel’s Theme’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)
23. ‘My Name Is Lorna’ (Eric Woolfson’s Songwriting Diary)

CD3 – Bonus Studio Recordings Vol.1
1. ‘Voyager’ (Backing Track Out Take)
2. ‘Voyager’ (Early Stage)
3. ‘Voyager’ (Vocal Experiment)  
4. ‘Voyager’ (Light Relief Jam)
5. ‘Voyager’ (Early Mix)
6. ‘Voyager’ (John Leach Kantele Take)
7. ‘What Goes Up…/ Little Voice’ (Demo) 
8. ‘What Goes Up…’ (Dean Ford Vocal Take)  
9. ‘What Goes Up…’ (Isolated Choir Take) 
10. ‘What Goes Up…’ (Early Rough Mix)  
11. ‘What Goes Up…’ (Choir)
12. ‘The Eagle Will Rise Again’ (Colin Blunstone Vocal Take Excerpts)
13. ‘The Eagle Will Rise Again’ (Rough Mix Featuring Backing Vocals)
14. ‘The Eagle Will Rise Again’ (Orchestral Strings)
15. ‘The Eagle Will Rise Again’ (Rough Mix Backing Track)

CD4 – Bonus Studio Recordings Vol. 2
1. ‘One More River’ (Intro Takes)
2. ‘One More River’ (Lenny Zakatek Lead Vocal Takes) 
3. ‘One More River’ (Lenny Zakatek Vocal Gymnastic Takes) 
4. ‘One More River’ (Experimental Break)
5. ‘Can’t Take It With You’ (Rough Mix)
6. ‘In The Lap of the Gods’ (John Leach Cimbalom Takes)
7. ‘In The Lap of the Gods’ (Choir Takes)
8. ‘In the Lap of the Gods’ (Backing Track Takes)
9. ‘In The Lap of the Gods’ (Orchestral Strings)
10. ‘In The Lap Of The Gods’ (Hail To The King Choir)
11. ‘Hyper-Gamma-Spaces’ (Projectron)
12. ‘Shadow of a Lonely Man’ (Eric Woolfson’s Piano Take)
13. ‘Shadow of a Lonely Man’ (Alan Parsons’ Experimental Demo Vocal)
14. ‘Shadow of a Lonely Man’ (Eric Woolfson’s Demo Vocal)
15. ‘Shadow of a Lonely Man’ (Orchestral Woodwind)
16. ‘Shadow Of A Lonely Man’ (Olive Simpson Backing Vocals)

17. ‘Pyramid’ US Radio Advert 1
18. ‘Pyramid’ US Radio Advert 2
19. ‘Pyramid’ Bob Harris Cinema Playback  Introduction
20. ‘Pyramid Audio Guide’ Alan Parsons Commentary
21. ‘Pyramid Audio Guide’ Eric Woolfson Commentary 1
22. ‘Pyramid Audio Guide’ Eric Woolfson Commentary 2

Blu-ray Dolby Atmos/5.1 Surround Sound remixed by Alan Parsons 2024 – Original album remastered in Stereo 2024
1. ‘Voyager’
2. ‘What Goes Up…’
3. ‘The Eagle Will Rise Again’
4. ‘One More River’
5. ‘Can’t Take It With You’
6. ‘In The Lap Of The Gods’
7. ‘Pyramania’
8. ‘Hyper-Gamma-Spaces’
9. ‘Shadow Of A Lonely Man’

Expanded CD Tracklisting
1. ‘Voyager’
2. ‘What Goes Up…’
3. ‘The Eagle Will Rise Again’
4. ‘One More River’
5. ‘Can’t Take It With You’
6. ‘In The Lap Of The Gods’
7. ‘Pyramania’
8. ‘Hyper-Gamma-Spaces’
9. ‘Shadow Of A Lonely Man’
dodatne skladbe:
10. ‘Voyager’ (Early Mix)
11. ‘What Goes Up…’ (Early Rough Mix)
12. ‘The Eagle Will Rise Again’ (Rough Mix Featuring Backing Vocals)
13. ‘Shadow Of A Lonely Man’ (Eric Woolfson Demo Vocal)   

Vinyl LP
Stran A
1. ‘Voyager’
2. ‘What Goes Up…’
3. ‘The Eagle Will Rise Again’
4. ‘One More River’
5. ‘Can’t Take It With You’
Stran B
1. ‘In The Lap Of The Gods’
2. ‘Pyramania’
3. ‘Hyper-Gamma-Spaces’
4. ‘Shadow Of A Lonely Man’

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