Hardcore Superstar, Wednesday 13 in South Of Salem – Padova, Italija (November 2024)!

foto: Tanaja & Zara 2024
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Hardcore Superstar / Wednesday 13 / South Of Salem
nedelja, 17. 11. 2024
Padova Hall / Padova / Italija

(below you will find the texts also in English language)

Rokerski večer v dvorani Padova hall je otvorila britanska hard rock skupina South Of Salem. Njihov set je bil zelo kratek in videti je bilo, da jih večina poslušalcev ni poznala, a je skupini vseeno uspelo ogreti ozračje in nas navdušiti za naslednje nastopajoče. Njihov nastop je bil poln odličnih kitarskih in bobnarskih solov, piko na i pa je dodal dober vokal pevca Joeya Draperja.

Seznam pesmi:

  1. Let Us Prey
  2. Jet Black Eyes
  3. Static
  4. Vultures
  5. Left for Dead
  6. Cold Day in Hell

Koncert je nadaljevala ameriška horror punk skupina Wednesday 13 iz Severne Karoline. Igrali so pesmi bivših skupin vokalista Murderdolls in Frankenstein Drag Queens from Planet 13 pa tudi priredbo pesmi White Wedding Billyja Idola. Koncert so posvetili dvema umrlima članoma Joeyu Jordisonu in Benu Gravesu. Če o Američanih ne moreš reči nič drugega … vedno priredijo neverjeten šov. Vokalist in frontman Joseph Michael Poole, bolje poznan pod imenom Wednesday 13, je kljub svojim letom izžareval mladostno in divjo energijo. Medtem ko so se ostali člani benda mojstrsko posvečali svojim inštrumentom, je Wednesday na odru priredil pravi spektakel. S svojimi obraznimi grimasami in provokativnimi kretnjami je obnorel poslušalce in našo pozornost zadrževal vse do konca svojega seta. Setlista je dobro odražala glaven zvok obeh razpadlih skupin z izbranimi največjimi hiti kot so Summertime Suicide, Dead in Hollywood, People Hate Me (pri katerem Wednesday ni pozabil pripomniti, da ga ljudje še vedno sovražijo) in I Love to Say Fuck. Tudi vizualno so člani, s svojimi ličili po navdihu skupine KISS in temačnimi kostumi, navdušili. O celotnem nastopu ni za reči nič slabega, le to, da bi lahko trajal dlje.

Seznam pesmi:

  1. The World According to Revenge
  2. Chapel of Blood
  3. Death Valley Superstars
  4. 197666
  5. Slit My Wrist
  6. Love at First Fright
  7. Motherfucker, I Don’t Care
  8. People Hate Me
  9. Graverobbing USA
  10. Die My Bride
  11. Summertime Suicide
  12. Rock ‘n’ Roll Is All I Got
  13. Nowhere
  14. White Wedding
  15. I Love to Say Fuck
  16. Dead in Hollywood

Za Wednesday 13 so oder zasedle glavne zvezde večera, štiričlanski švedski glam / street/ rock band Hardcore Superstar. Oboževalce so navdušili z velikim številom odigranih uspešnic. Na odru so člani imeli odlično kemijo, ki se je širila po celi dvorani. Set so pričeli z nekaj udarnimi pesmimi, nato občinstvo raznežili z akustično izvedbo dveh balad Run to Your Mama in Standin’ on the Verge in ga zaključili s svojo največjo uspešnico You Can’t Kill My Rock ‘n Roll, ki je poslušalce popolnoma obnorela. Vokalist in frontman Joakim Berg, kitarist Vic Zino in basist Martin Sandvik so s svojimi interakcijami na odru naredili vsako pesem drugačno in zanimivo. Čeprav je bil njihov koncert precej dolg, jih je množica na koncu glasno spodbujala, naj zaigrajo še kakšno pesem. Iz zvočnikov pa se je razlegla le pesem The Best, s katero se je skupina zahvalila svojim italijanskim oboževalcem in nato zapustila oder.

Seznam pesmi:

  1. This Worm’s for Ennio (posneti uvod)
  2. Beg for It
  3. Into Debauchery
  4. Medicate Me
  5. Guestlist
  6. Kick on the Upperclass
  7. She’s Offbeat
  8. We Don’t Need a Cure
  9. Bag on Your Head
  10. Run to Your Mama (Acoustic)
  11. Standin’ on the Verge (Acoustic)
  12. Someone Special
  13. Moonshine
  14. Last Call for Alcohol
  15. No Resistance


  1. Above the Law
  2. We Don’t Celebrate Sundays
  3. Electric Rider
  4. You Can’t Kill My Rock ‘n Roll

Dvorana Padova hall, v kateri se je 17. 11. odvil rokerski spektakel, je bila odlično ozvočena. Nastopajoče je bilo dobro slišati iz kateregakoli konca dvorane. Nekoliko slabše je bil ozvočen le pevec skupine Hardcore Superstar, ki so ga včasih kljub močnemu vokalu preglasile kitare ali bobni. Dvorana ni bila niti približno polna, saj je veliko obiskovalcev prišlo le zaradi Wednesday 13 in so po njihovem nastopu odšli, nadomestili pa so jih oboževalci Hardcore Superstar. Kljub nekam prazni dvorani je bilo čutiti noro energijo množice in nastopajočih pa če si se drenjal tik pod odrom ali užival v zadnjih vrstah.

Tekst in fotke: Tanaja in Zara

An english version:

This hellish rocking night in Padova Hall was opened by the British hard rock band South Of Salem. Their set was very short and most of the audience seemed to be unfamiliar with them, but the band still managed to warm up the atmosphere and get us excited for the next acts. Their performance was full of great guitar and drum solos, with the icing on the cake being the good vocals of lead singer Joey Draper.

The concert was followed by the American horror punk band Wednesday 13 from North Carolina. They played songs by former Murderdolls and Frankenstein Drag Queens vokalist from Planet 13, and there was also a cover of Billy Idol’s White Wedding. The concert was dedicated to two deceased members Joey Jordison and Ben Graves. If you can’t say anything else about the Americans… they always put on an incredible show. Vocalist and frontman Joseph Michael Poole, better known as Wednesday 13, exuded a youthful and wild energy despite his years. While the rest of the band were masterfully tending to their instruments, Wednesday 13 put on a spectacle on stage. With his facial grimaces and provocative gestures, he blew the audience away and held our attention until the end of his set. The setlist reflected well the mainstream sound of the two disbanded bands with a selection of greatest hits such as Summertime Suicide, Dead in Hollywood, People Hate Me (where Wednesday didn’t forget to mention that people still hate him) and I Love to Say Fuck. Visually, the members also impressed with their KISS-inspired make-up and dark costumes. There is nothing bad to say about the whole performance, only that it could have lasted longer.

After Wednesday 13 show, the main stars of the evening, the four-piece Swedish glam/street/rock band Hardcore Superstar, took the stage. They wowed the fans with a huge number of hits. They developed great chemistry that spread throughout the whole hall. They started the set with a couple of banging songs, then got the audience going with an acoustic rendition of two ballads Run to Your Mama and Standin’ on the Verge, and closed with their biggest hit You Can’t Kill My Rock ‘n Roll, which completely blew the audience away. Vocalist and frontman Joakim Berg, guitarist Vic Zino and bassist Martin Sandvik made each song different and interesting with their on-stage interactions. Although their concert was quite long, the crowd was loudly encouraging them to play one more song at the end. The only song that came out of the speakers was “The Best”, with which the band thanked their Italian fans and then left the stage.

The Padova Hall, where the rock spectacle took place on 17 November, had a great sound system. The performers could be heard from any part of the hall. Only the singer of Hardcore Superstar was slightly less well sounded, sometimes being drowned out by guitars or drums, despite his strong vocals. The hall was nowhere near full, as many of the visitors had only come for Wednesday 13 and left after their performance, to be replaced by Hardcore Superstar fans. Despite the somehow empty hall, you could feel the crazy energy of the crowd and the performers, whether you were lounging right at the front of the stage or enjoying the show from the back rows.

Text and photos: Tanaja And Zara

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