Ryo Kinoshita je KNOSIS

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V mesecu oktorbu je odjeknila novica, da frontman Ryo Kinoshita zapušča skupino Crystal Lake. Pogovori o tem so potekali že nekaj časa, saj so preostali člani zasedbe nemudoma objavili javno avdicijo, kjer iščejo novega vokalista.

Do finala avdicij se Ryo tudi na zasebnih socialnih medijih ni oglašal – vse do včeraj, ko je objavil samo “I am KNOSIS”. Ni trajalo dolgo, da so oboževalci prišli do zaključka, da se Ryo vrača za mikrofon, nakar je na splet pricurljal tudi “dražilnik” za novi bend.

Hkrati pa je objavljena že prva turneja KNOSIS-a, ki bo sicer le po japonskem, skupaj z legendarnimi “Survive said the Prophet”

Kaj več o KNOSIS-u trenutno še ni znano – niti njegova zvrst.

Več informacij, ko bodo te na voljo, lahko spremljate:
Instagram Ryo Kinoshita
Instagram KNOSIS
Instagram The Hide Out Studios

  1. Jan Kuzbeck says

    T H E K I N G H A S R E T U R N E D !

    Best news of the damn decade. For non-slovenian speaking ppl following the link from Crystal Lake news group:

    In the month of October, news broke that frontman Ryo Kinoshita was leaving Crystal Lake. Talks about this have been going on for some time, as the remaining members of the band immediately announced a public audition, where they are looking for a new vocalist.

    Until the final auditions, Ryo didn’t even advertise on private social media – until yesterday, when he only posted “I am KNOSIS”. It didn’t take long for fans to come to the conclusion that Ryo was returning to the microphone, after which a “teaser” for the new band was also leaked online.


  2. Markus says

    The return of the King is upon us! GOD-TIER vocalist, so glad he is coming back. Any news on Europa tour yet?

  3. Denis says

    Hey Marcus, no nothing yet. I wouldn’t keep my hopes up, since he did leave Crystal Lake due to his mental health which got worse when nervous, traveling, etc…
    But, let’s hope for the best, be sure to subscribe to us for updates 🙂 (shameless self-promotion right there).

    Jan thanks for the translation. We have been talking about doing some posts in English for some time now, I guess we have to start doing so 🙂

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