Parkway Drive z veliko turnejo v Evropi

foto: DENIS PARADIŽ 2019
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Čeprav je skupina Parkway Drive uradno nastala leta 2003, je šele leta 2005 izšel njihov prvi album “Killing With A Smile”. Ta mejnik želi avstralska metal(core) velesila prihodnje leto dostojno proslaviti z nami. Jeseni 2025 se bodo podali na veliko obletnico turneje!

Datumi in lokacije turneje:

19.09 – Leipzig, Nemčija – QUARTERBACK Immobilien Arena
20.09 – München, Nemčija – Olympiahalle
21.09 – Dunaj, Avstrija – Stadthalle
23.09 – Zürich, Švica – Hallenstadion
24.09 – Frankfurt, Nemčija – Festhalle
26.09 – Hamburg, Nemčija – Barclays Arena
27.09 – Dortmund, Nemčija – Westfalenhalle
28.09 – Stuttgart, Nemčija – Schleyerhalle
30.09 – Amsterdam, Nizozemska – Ziggo Dome
02.10 – Bruselj, Belgija – Forest National
04.10 – Pariz, Francija – Zenith
06.10 – London, Združeno kraljestvo – OVO Arena Wembley
08.10 – Birmingham, Združeno kraljestvo – Utilita Arena
09.10 – Manchester, Združeno kraljestvo – AO Arena
30.10 – Lizbona, Portugalska – Campo Pequeno
01.11 – Madrid, Španija – Palacio Vistalegre
02.11 – Barcelona, Španija – Sant Jordi Club
05.11 – Lyon, Francija – Halle Tony Garnier
07.11 – Praga, Češka – Fortuna Hall
09.11 – Budimpešta, Madžarska – MVM Dome
11.11 – Lodž, Poljska – Atlas Arena
12.11 – Helsinki, Finska – Ice Hall
14.11 – Stockholm, Švedska – Hovet Ice Hall
15.11 – Göteborg, Švedska – Scandinavium
16.11 – København, Danska – KB Hallen

Kot vidite, so Parkway Drive izbrali velike dvorane za svojo turnejo. Nič čudnega, da bo ta turneja za njih nekaj posebnega. Pevec Winston McCall je že skoraj leto dni pred začetkom turneje poln pričakovanj: “To bo popolna norost. Vedno smo bili ponosni, da priredimo najboljšo možno predstavo, a turneja ob 20. obletnici bo vse skupaj dvignila na novo raven. Prinesli bomo več ognja, več energije in produkcijo, večjo od vsega, kar smo doslej počeli.”

Ta napoved Winstona McCalla bo verjetno mnogim oboževalcem dovolj, da si te turneje ne bodo želeli zamuditi. Če pa to še ni dovolj, vas bodo morda prepričali spremljevalni nastopi. Skupaj s Parkway Drive bosta nastopili tudi Thy Art Is Murder in The Amity Affliction. Obe avstralski skupini sta v zadnjih letih navdušili občinstvo po vsej Evropi z močnimi živimi nastopi. Nedvomno nas čaka spektakel iz Avstralije!

Vstopnice na voljo od petka Če si zdaj (upravičeno) želite zagotoviti vstopnice, boste morali še malo počakati. Splošna prodaja se začne ta petek, 18. oktobra, ob 11. uri na tej povezavi. Za stranke O2 pa bo prodaja odprta že jutri, v sredo. Nastavite si budilko! Te turneje zagotovo ne želite zamuditi, kajne?

Na zgornji fotografiji: Parkway Drive med nastopom 5. 8. 2019, na prizorišču Dom Im Berg (Graz, Avstrija) – RockLine fotoarhiv 2006-2024, vse pravice pridržane, foto: Denis Paradiž). RockLine recenzijo koncerta lahko preberete TUKAJ!


Parkway Drive Celebrate Anniversary and Embark on a Major Tour in 2025

While 2003 is commonly cited as the year Parkway Drive was formed, their first album, Killing With A Smile, was released in 2005. The Australian metal(core) giants want to celebrate this milestone with us in a big way next year. In the fall of 2025, they are heading on a major anniversary tour!

Parkway Drive: XXL Tour Dates 2025:
19.09 – Leipzig, DE – QUARTERBACK Immobilien Arena
20.09 – Munich, DE – Olympiahalle
21.09 – Vienna, AT – Stadthalle
23.09 – Zurich, CH – Hallenstadion
24.09 – Frankfurt, DE – Festhalle
26.09 – Hamburg, DE – Barclays Arena
27.09 – Dortmund, DE – Westfalenhalle
28.09 – Stuttgart, DE – Schleyerhalle
30.09 – Amsterdam, NL – Ziggo Dome
02.10 – Brussels, BE – Forest National
04.10 – Paris, FR – Zenith
06.10 – London, UK – OVO Arena Wembley
08.10 – Birmingham, UK – Utilita Arena
09.10 – Manchester, UK – AO Arena
30.10 – Lisbon, PT – Campo Pequeno
01.11 – Madrid, ES – Palacio Vistalegre
02.11 – Barcelona, ES – Sant Jordi Club
05.11 – Lyon, FR – Halle Tony Garnier
07.11 – Prague, CZ – Fortuna Hall
09.11 – Budapest, HU – MVM Dome
11.11 – Lodz, PL – Atlas Arena
12.11 – Helsinki, FI – Ice Hall
14.11 – Stockholm, SE – Hovet Ice Hall
15.11 – Gothenburg, SE – Scandinavium
16.11 – Copenhagen, DK – KB Hallen

As you can see, Parkway Drive has chosen massive venues for their tour. It’s no surprise that the band wants to make this tour something special. Frontman Winston McCall is already excited nearly a year before the tour kicks off: “It’s going to be absolute madness. We’ve always prided ourselves on delivering the best show possible, but this 20th-anniversary tour is going to take things to a new level. We’re bringing more fire, more energy, and a production bigger than anything we’ve ever done before.”

This announcement from Winston McCall will likely be reason enough for many fans not to miss this tour. But if that’s not enough, the support acts might convince you. Alongside Parkway Drive, Thy Art Is Murder and The Amity Affliction will also be joining. Both bands hail from Australia and have continuously impressed with gripping live shows across Europe in recent years. It’s sure to be a massive Down Under spectacle!

Tickets Available from Friday
If you (rightfully) want to secure tickets, you’ll have to wait just a little longer. General ticket sales start this Friday, October 18, at 11 AM via this link. For O2 customers, however, tickets will be available as early as tomorrow, Wednesday. Set your alarms! You definitely don’t want to miss this tour, do you?

Photo above: Parkway Drive during their performance on 5th of August 2019 at Dom Im Berg (Graz, Austria) – RockLine photo archive 2006-2024, all rights reserved, photo by Denis Paradiz). You can read RockLine’s review of the concert HERE!

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