Metaldays – The Weekend of Solace festival s prvim svežnjem nastopajočih!
Organizator Metaldays festivala, ki se vsako leto odvija na tolminskem sotočju in bo letos potekal v nekoliko prilagojeni izvedbi pod nazivom Metaldays – The Weekend of Solace med 29. 7. 2021 in 1. 8. 2021, potrjuje prvih osem izvajalcev, ki bodo nastopili na festivalu.
V nadaljevanju povzemamo uradno izjavo organizatorja:
“Četudi deluje še tako nerealno, se očitno odvija!
Presrečni so da lahko delimo z vami seznam nastopajočih na letošnjem “MetalDays – The Weekend of Solace” festivalu.
Prve skupine, ki so se povabilu odzvale in potrdile svoj nastop so: Moonspell, Igorrr, Decapitated, SkyEye, Noctiferia, Metalsteel, Srd in Brutal Sphincter. Čakamo še na štiri dodatne skupine, ki jih bomo napovedali v prihajajočih dneh.
Do skupin, ki so ob omejenem festivalskem budžetu, kljub vsemu v tako kratkem času odločile, da odrinejo na pot do Tolmina, izkazujemo najgloblje spoštovanje. To je duh!
To bo dogodek, ki se bo zagotvo zapisal v zgodovino Metaldays festivala in verjamemo da bo nepozaben, zato smo prepričani, da ga ne smete zamuditi. Trenutno smo pri 1012 prodanih vstopnicah kar je pravzaprav fantastično.
Naredite rezervacijo tudi vi in postanite del dogodka, saj tega zagotovo ne boste obžalovali.
Vaša Metaldays ekipa vam želi prečudovit dan!
Vse preostale informacije (o rezervacijah in vsem ostalem) najdete TUKAJ.
Metaldays – The Weekend of Solace Facebook profil!
As unrealistic as this may seem, it happens!
Overjoyed just to be able to share with you a lineup for MetalDays – The Weekend of Solace.
Moonspell, Igorrr, Decapitated, SkyEye Band, NOCTIFERIA, Metalsteel, @SRD and Brutal Sphincter are the first confirmed bands. 4 more bands will be released soon.We have just deepest respect for all confirmed bands, for being prepared to travel to Tolmin on such short notice and for such low fee’s. That’s the spirit!!!
This will be an event that will surely go down in the history of the MetalDays festival and we believe it will be unforgettable, so you surely should not miss this one. But to get there at all, we need 2000 reservations. We are currently at 1012, which is actually fantastic!Make a reservation, and be a part of this event, you will not regret it!
Your MetalDays team wishes you a wonderful day!
* RESERVATIONS! Even though this is a tiny event, it does produce a lot of costs that can’t be ignored. We need at least 2000 attendees at the ticket price of 79€ (camping, and parking included) just to cover the costs. After losing 2 MetalDays editions, Winter Days of Metal, and Headbanger’s Holiday we are broke, and can’t lose any more money. We are collecting the reservations until July 1st. It is an easy thing; 2000 or more reservations mean we party. Less than 2000 mean we are not doing it. You can make a reservation at the following link:
After July 1st, everybody that reserved the ticket will have a 2-day window to buy tickets with this reservation. All that reserved tickets will be informed via e-mail about the sale start.After the set date, all tickets will be on sale for everybody, so make sure not to miss the payment. MetalDays -The Weekend of Solace is limited to 5000 visitors.
**INFO: All information about testing, festival, camping, travel…will be posted by the end of this week, so you will have them all in one place.
***IMPORTANT! Please reserve only if you are 100% sure you’re going to attend the MetalDays – The Weekend of Solace.Please don’t mislead us. It is important for us to be sure about how many of you will come. We really can’t afford to lose more money.
Metaldays – The Weekend of Solace Facebook profile!