Metaldays pripravlja med 29.7. in 1. 8. 2021 festivalski ‘vikend utehe’!

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Metaldays pripravlja festivalski ‘vikend utehe’! (scroll down for an english version)

Organizator festivala Metaldays se zavoljo situacije, povezane s Covid-19 pandemijo, loteva previdnostnega prevzemanja rešitev, kako izpeljati letošnji festival, ki bi se tako odvijal v manjši izdaji pod nazivom MetalDays – Weekend of Solace!

Datum izpeljave dogodka je že znan: 29.07.-01.08.2021
Seznam 12 nastopajočih izvajalcev bo znan v kratkem!
Cena vstopnice: 79,00€ (vanjo sta vključena kampiranje in parkiranje)
Rezervacije se zbirajo do vključno s 30. 6. 2021.

Za izpeljavo dogodka potrebuje organizator vsaj 2.000 rezervacij. Če mu jih v doglednem času ne uspe zbrati, potem dogodka ne bo izpeljal.

Svojo rezervacijo lahko opravite TUKAJ.

Kaj pa lokacija? Ta ostaja zaenkrat uganka, saj organizator zaenkrat tehta med tem, da izpelje dogodek v slovenskem Tolminu ali pa v hrvaški Istri – točneje na lokaciji Vallelunga pri Puli.

Spodaj so na voljo preostale informacije, ki izhajajo iz uradnega vira organizatorja festivala (v angleškem jeziku).

MetalDays – Weekend of Solace!

Please read the whole text to the end, it is really important!!!

We are currently experiencing a relaxation of precautions, as far as the covid is concerned, so we’re playing with the idea of a small event called MetalDays – Weekend of Solace!

There is nothing we want more than to spend some days with you!
Meeting you all again would be just amazing, do you agree? 

Dates: 29.07.-01.08.2021
Lineup: 12 bands to be announced soon.
Price: 79€, camping, and parking included
We are collecting the reservations until June 30th.

It is an easy thing; 2000 or more reservations mean we party.
Less than 2000 mean we are not doing it.
You can make a reservation at the following link:

The venue is something that we didn’t decide on yet.
Options: our beloved venue in Tolmin, and the dream-like venue Vallelunga in Pula, Croatia.

Why Pula?
Besides being a fantastic location on the Adriatic Sea coast, Croatia is on the green list of many countries (German info below), and from 01.07.2021 there will be no precautions like distancing, testing, and so on.
That means we would be able to party the way we are used to.
We all need it after 18 months of lockdown.
Link HR:…/njemacka-nekoliko-hrvatskih…
Link DE:…/Risikogebiete_neu.html;jsessionid...
In addition, low-cost airlines have announced flights to Pula.

At the same time, for concerts in Slovenia, a “PCT’’ check is required as a condition to be able to attend any live event.
“PCT” means negative tests, proof of vaccination, or proof that you’ve already been infected with covid in the last 6 months. On top of that, 10m2 of space is needed for each visitor and a 1,5m distance between visitors.

As much as we love it to be in Tolmin, this just does not sounds like fun.

This idea has been long discussed in MetalDays official FB group Snowflakes Paradise, and as expected majority would like this event to happen in Tolmin for all the obvious reasons.

On 10.07.2021 we will decide which location we are going to use for this event. 
This is the best we can do for Weekend of Solace to happen in Tolmin.

We hope that measures in Slovenia will change until then and that more freedom will be granted, so we can do it at our usual location. 
Also, there is a local festival on Tolmin on 10.07. and this is a great chance for us to see how the precautions work in a real setup.

We do understand that some of you already have booked accommodation in Tolmin and that Pula would make your life complicated.

We can just say that all we want is to have the best possible party after 18 long months of sitting at home.

Lineup: we are working hard to put a decent line up together for you. We are late, and there are a lot of other obstacles, but we guarantee you will get a proper dose of METAL!

Even though this is a tiny event, it does produce a lot of costs that can’t be ignored.
We need at least 2000 attendees at the ticket price of 79€ just to cover the costs.
After losing 2 MetalDays editions, Winter Days of Metal, and Headbanger’s Holiday we are broke, and can’t lose any more money.

We are collecting the reservations until June 30th.
It is an easy thing; 2000 or more reservations mean we party.
Less than 2000 mean we are not doing it.
You can make a reservation at the following link:

After June 30th, everybody that reserved the ticket will have a 2-day window to buy tickets with this reservation.
Everyone reserved tickets will be informed via e-mail about the sale start.
After the set date, all tickets will be on sale for everybody, so make sure not to miss the payment.

Please reserve only if you are 100% sure you’re going to attend the MetalDays – Weekend of Solace, and you don’t care if it is in Tolmin or Pula.

Please don’t mislead us. It is important for us to be sure about how many of you will come. We really can’t afford to lose more money.
…and now, off to the reservations…we need 2000 or more!

*Comments will not be answered nor read ‘cos we don’t need any discussion here about which location is better and why. It is just not important in this case.

We love Tolmin, and there is not much to say about it. It is our home since the very first MetalDays edition.

This is not a competition, as no location has what Tolmin has at…end of the discussion. 
…but Vallelunga is gorgeous in her own way, and we are confident that no one would miss anything If we decide to do this event there.

There has been a lot of discussion on MetalDays official FB group Snowflakes Paradise, so if any of you is interested in reading it feel free to become a group member.

*Vallelunga, a fantastic venue in Pula where we wanted to do Headbanger’s Holiday is just 20min walking distance from the world-known Pula Roman Amphitheatre, and just 30min walking distance from the city center.

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