Konec festivala Winter Days of Metal

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Organizator festivala Winter Days of Metal, ki se je vsako leto odvijal v Bohinjski Bistrici, je najavil, da se festival več ne bo zgodil. Tako se festival po štirih edicijah poslavlja.

Festival je bilo potrebno odpovedat, ker so zaradi pandemije koronavirusa morale vse skupine odpovedati svoje nastope, ki so bili planirani v času festivala.

Zaradi odpovedi in negotove prihodnosti izvajanja koncertov je organizator dokončno upokojil festival. Med drugim se pričakuje, da ko bodo skupine ponovno pričele igrati v letu 2021, festival klubskim koncertom preprosto ne bo mogel konkurirati.

Četrta izvedba, ki je tudi zadnja, se je zgodila konec novembra 2019. Vtise si lahko preberete v reportaži TUKAJ.


“Winter Days of Metal says Thank you!

It is with mixed feelings that we announce the end of Winter Days of Metal festival.

After 4 editions of Winter Days of Metal, we have decided it is time to say thank you and goodbye.

Due to recent pandemic, all the bands contracted for WDoM 2020 edition have canceled their tours in 2020, which left us no choice but to cancel WDoM 2020 edition.

This cancelation, mixed with an uncertain future of live entertainment left us no choice but to retire Winter Days of Metal for good.

We worked really hard to make this festival the best winter metal festival around, and to be financially independent from our other festivals.

We needed 4 editions to reach the break-even point in 2019. Winter Days of Metal was financed from MetalDays revenue, but as we face really hard times with not being able to promote MetalDays in 2020 we simply can’t afford to invest any money into Winer Days of Metal further.

It is also expected that with bands returning to touring in 2021 there will be just too many events and club shows to compete with, and we just can’t afford to lose any money on Winter Days of Metal in order to keep MetalDays healthy for the years to come.

Winter Days of Metal was a great journey for us. We learned a lot, and we had a great time organising it, but it is time now to put our focus into new and exciting future projects.
…as they say; when one door closes, another one opens.

We would like to thank all the visitors that came to support this festival, the City of Bohinjska Bistrica and TD Bohinj for the great cooperation we had in all 4 editions of the festival, all the great bands that delivered great shows at Winer Days of Metal, and last but not least the whole crew that made this festival being such a joy to organise.

Your WDoM team.”

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