Jethro Tull z jubilejnim ponatisom albuma “The Broadsword And The Beast”
Jethro Tull, progresivnorockovske legende, ki so v sklopu svoje nedavne evropske turneje, nastopili 3. 6. 2023 tudi v ljubljanski Hali Tivoli, bodo ob 40. obletnici izida poskrbeli za ponatis svojega albuma “The Broadsword And The Beast” (originalno je izšel leta 1982).
Album bo dostopen v razširjeni verziji! Kot osmerni CD/DVD zaboj ter v četvernem LP formatu, ponatis albuma pa bo razpoložljiv od 1. 9. 2023 dalje. Za ponatis bodo poskrbeli pri založbi Warner Music.
Za zvokom ponatisa je stal ponovno Steven Wilson, ki je poskrbel za njegovo osvežitev. Ponatis bo vseboval demo posnetke, surove mikse, koncertne posnetke s turneje leta 1982 iz Nemčije ter vaj iz leta 1981. Album bo mogoče pridobiti tudi v posebnem zaboju, kjer bo združeno vseh pet CD-jev, trije DVD-ji ter štirje vinili. Reč bo opremljena tudi z obsežno knjižico na kar 164. straneh.
Album “The Broadsword And The Beast” pooseblja svojevrstno mešanico folka, rocka in vplivov progresivnega rocka, v družbi Andersonovega vokalnega pripovedništva in obveznim manevrom njegovega igranja flavte. Album je ob svojem izidu leta 1982 dosegel 20. najbolje prodajanih albumov Billboardove lestvice.
Album “The Broadsword And The Beast 40th Anniversary Edition” lahko že prednaročite.
Jethro Tull: The Broadsword And The Beast 40th Anniversary Edition
Disc One
‘THE BROADSWORD AND THE BEAST’ A Steven Wilson stereo remix
1. Beastie
2. Clasp
3. Fallen On Hard Times
4. Flying Colours
5. Slow Marching Band
6. Broadsword
7. Pussy Willow
8. Watching Me, Watching You
9. Seal Driver
10. Cheerio
ASSOCIATED RECORDINGS A Steven Wilson stereo remix
Recorded on 24 track at Maison Rouge Studios, December 1981 – January 1982 (unless otherwise noted)
11. Fallen On Hard Times (1st master, Dec ’81 sessions)
12. Beastie (2nd master, Dec ’81 sessions)
13. Fallen On Hard Times [2nd master, Dec ’81 sessions)
14. Seal Driver (1st master, Dec ’81 sessions)
15. Cheerio (ensemble vocal version)
16. Jack-A-Lynn (acoustic version)
17. Beastie Shouts!
Disc Two
ASSOCIATED RECORDINGS (Early 1981 Sessions) A Steven Wilson stereo remix
Recorded on 24 track at Maison Rouge Studios, March 1981 – July 1981
1. Roland’s Entry [Instrumental]
2. Lights Out
3. The Curse (version 1)
4. The Curse (version 2)
5. Too Many Too
6. Calafel [Instrumental]
7. I’m Your Gun
8. No Step
9. Down At The End Of Your Road
10. Mayhem Maybe [with 1988 overdubs]
11. Commons Brawl [with 1993 overdubs]
12. Return To Calafel [Instrumental]
13. Jack Frost And The Hooded Crow
14. The Swirling Pit [Instrumental]
15. Inverness Sleeper
Recorded on 24 track at Maison Rouge Studios, December 1981 – January 1982
16. Crew Nights (combined version) [with some 1993 overdubs]
17. Rhythm In Gold
18. Overhang [with 1988 overdubs]
19. Jack-A-Lynn (band version)
20. Motoreyes
21 Drive On The Young Side Of Life [with 1993 overdubs]
Disc Tree
Recorded directly to stereo in Maison Rouge Studio 1 on 15th December 1981
1. Flying Colours
2. Me, Dinosaur
3. Crew Nights
4. Rhythm In Gold
5. Honest Girl
6. DJ Dream
7. Seal Driver
8. Jack-A-Lynn
9. Fallen On Hard Times
10. Drive On The Young Side Of Life
Early master mixes prepared in July 1981. The master mix of ‘Watching Me, Watching You’ used on the album was also prepared during these mixing sessions.
11. Beastie
12. Too Many Too
13. I’m Your Gun
14. Down At The End Of Your Road
15. Jack Frost And The Hooded Crow
Rough mixes of work-in-progress album tracks prepared in January 1982
16. Slow Marching Band
17. Pussy Willow
18. Fallen On Hard Times
UK local radio advert promoting the band’s headlining appearance at the Theakston Music Festival, Nostell Priory, West Yorkshire, England on Saturday 28th August 1982
19. Theakston Music Festival Advert
Disc Four
1. Clasp
2. Hunting Girl
3. Fallen On Hard Times
4. Pussy Willow
5. Broadsword
6. Jack-In-The-Green
7. One Brown Mouse
8. Seal Driver
9. Heavy Horses
10. Weathercock/Fire At Midnight
11. Keyboard Instrumental
12. Sweet Dream
Disc Five
1. Flying Colours
2. Songs From The Wood
3. Watching Me, Watching You
4. Band Introductions
5. The Swirling Pit
6. Pibroch/Black Satin Dancer
7. Beastie
8. Too Old To Rock ‘n’ Roll: Too Young To Die!
9. Aqualung
10. Minstrel In The Gallery
11. Locomotive Breath/Black Sunday
12. Cheerio
DVD 1 (unit 6)
Audio only
The Broadsword And The Beast album remixed to 96/24 LPCM stereo and DTS and Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound + flat transfer of the 1982 original mix and other associated tracks in 96/24 LPCM stereo
DVD 2 (unit 7)
Associated Recordings remixed to 96/24 LPCM stereo and DTS and Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound
DVD 3 (unit 8)
Live in Germany (as per DISCS 4 & 5) remixed to 96/24 LPCM stereo and DTS and Dolby Digital 4.1 surround sound
Four LP Set
LP 1
The Broadsword And The Beast (Steven Wilson remix of original LP)
Side 1
1) Beastie
2) Clasp
3)Fallen On Hard Times
4) Flying Colours
5) Slow Marching Band
Side 2
1) Broadsword
2) Pussy Willow
3) Watching Me, Watching You
4) Seal Driver
5) Cheerio
LP 2
Double-Edged Sword (Steven Wilson mixes of additional Broadsword recordings March 1981 to January 1982)
Side 1
1) Rolands Entry
2) Lights Out
3) The Curse (Version 1)
4) The Curse (Version 2)
5) Too Many Too (3.44)
Side 2
1) Calafel
2) I’m Your Gun
3) No Step
4) Down At The End Of Your Road
5) Mayhem, Maybe
6) Commons Brawl
Side 3
1) Return To Calafel
2) Jack Frost And The Hooded Crow
3) The Swirling Pit
4) Inverness Sleeper
5) Motoreyes
6) Rhythm In Gold
Side 4
1) Overhang
2) Jack-A-Lynn (Band Version)
3) Crew Nights
4) Drive On The Young Side Of Life
5 Jack-A-Lynn(acoustic version)
LP 3
The Broadsword And The Beast – The Maison Rouge Demos
Side 1
1) Flying Colours
2) Me, Dinosaur
3) Crew Nights
4) Drive On The Young Side Of Life
5) Seal Driver
Side 2
1) DJ Dream
2) Rhythm In Gold
3) Honest Girl
4) Jack-A-Lynn
5) Fallen On Hard Times
The Broadsword And The Beast album remixed to 96/24 LPCM stereo and DTS and Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound + flat transfer of the 1982 original mix and other associated tracks in 96/24 LPCM stereo.