Greg Lake z izidom sedmernega CD zaboja “Magical”
Greg Lake, znamenita črka ‘L’ progresivnorockovskih legend Emerson Lake And Palmer (ELP), bo deležen izida posebnega sedmernega CD zaboja “Magical” na katerem bo skupno zbranih 91. skladb njegove kariere. Zaboj bo izšel 10. 11. 2023, pri založbi Manticore Records.
Zaboj bo vseboval kreativne trenutke Lakeove bogate kariere še vse od začetka njegovega glasbenega udejstvovanja s skupino The Shame, kot tudi zbrana dela iz časov delovanja s King Crimson in Emerson Lake And Palmer, to je iz obdobja progresivnorockovskega pionirstva, ki ga je soustvarjal Greg Lake. Zaboj bo vseboval tudi Lakeova samostojna dela, to sta albuma “Greg Lake” (1981) in “Manoeuvres” (1983) ter sodelovanja s Toto, Gary Mooreom, Asio, Geoffom Downesom, Keithom Emersonom itn…
Na “Magical” bodo uvrščene raritete, ki izvirajo tudi iz legendarnega nastopa King Crimson pred The Rolling Stones v Hyde Parku leta 1968, tri še nikdar slišane skladbe, ki jih je Lake posnel s Toto v začetku osemdesetih ter skladbe iz časov, ko je sodeloval z Asia, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, The Greg Lake Band, Greg Lake’s Ride The Tiger (z Asia/Yes klaviaturistom Geoffom Downesom), Emerson & Lake ter najzgodnejše znane posnetke, ki jih je Greg opravil še kot vokalist The Shame leta 1967.
Zaboj “Magical” bo izšel v količinsko omejeni nakladi. Natisnjen bo v dimenziji 10 x 10 inčev, poleg sedmih CD-jev, bo vseboval tudi knjižico na 64. straneh z razkošnim esejem in raritetno fotogalerijo, ki jo je prispevala Lakeova družina. Besedilo bo obilno založeno tudi s komentarji številnih glasbenikov, ki so sodelovali z Lakeom.
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Sedmerni CD zaboj “Magical” lahko že prednaročite.
Vsebina zaboja “Magical”
CD 1: Greg Lake
1. Nuclear Attack
2. Love You Too Much
3. It Hurts
4. Black And Blue
5. Retribution Drive
6. Long Goodbye
7. The Lie
8. Someone
9. Let Me Love You Once
10. For Those Who Dare
CD 2: Manoeuvres
1. Manoeuvres
2. Too Young to Love
3. Paralysed
4. A Woman Like You
5. I Don’t Wanna Lose Your Love Tonight
6. It is You, You Gotta Believe
7. Famous Last Words
8. Slave To Love
9. Haunted
10. I Don’t Know Why I Still Love You
CD 3: From the Underground Vol. 1 – The Official Bootleg
1. Emerson, Lake & Palmer – Touch and Go
2. King Crimson – A Man, A City
3. The Shame – Don’t Go Away Little Girl
4. Greg Lake – Medley: Still, You Turn Me On / Watching Over You
5. Greg Lake And Band – Daddy
6. Greg Lake And Band – Retribution Drive
7. Asia With Greg Lake – Heat of The Moment
8. Emerson, Lake & Powell – The Score
9. Shy Limbs – Love
10. Emerson, Lake & Palmer – Affairs of The Heart
11. Emerson, Lake & Powell – Learning to Fly
12. Emerson, Lake & Palmer – Lucky Man
13. Greg Lake And Band – 21st Century Schizoid Man
CD 4: From the Underground Vol. II – Deeper into The Mine. An Official Greg Lake Bootleg
1. Emerson, Lake & Palmer – Black Moon
2. Greg Lake’s Ride the Tiger – Check it Out
3. Greg Lake’s Ride the Tiger – Love Under Fire
4. Greg Lake With Toto – Cold Side of a Woman
5. Emerson, Lake & Powell – Step Aside
6. Emerson, Lake & Palmer – Preacher Blues
7. Greg Lake – Hold Me
8. Greg Lake And Band – Heart on Ice
9. Greg Lake’s Ride the Tiger – Blue Light
10. Greg Lake With Toto – You’re Good with Your Love
11. Greg Lake With Toto – You Really Got a Hold on Me
12. King Crimson – Epitaph
13. Greg Lake Band Featuring Gary Moore – Fanfare for The Common Man
CD 5: Songs of A Lifetime
1. 21st Century Schizoid Man
2. Lend Your Love to Me Tonight
3. Songs Of a Lifetime Tour Introduction
4. From The Beginning
5. Tribute To the King
6. Heartbreak Hotel
7. Epitaph/The Court of The Crimson King
8. King Crimson Cover Story
9. I Talk to The Wind
10. Ringo And the Beatles
11. You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away
12. Touch And Go
13. Trilogy
14. Still… You Turn Me On
15. Reflections Of Paris
16. C’est Le Vie
17. My Very First Guitar
18. Lucky Man
19. People Get Ready
20. Karn Evil 9: 1st Impression, Pt. 2
CD 6: Live in Piacenza
1. 21st Century Schizoid Man
2. Lend Your Love to Me Tonight
3. From The Beginning
4. Heartbreak Hotel
5. Epitaph/In the Court of The Crimson King
6. I Talk to The Wind
7. Ringo And the Beatles
8. Touch And Go
9. Trilogy / Still… You Turn Me On
10. I Believe in Father Christmas
11. Shakin’ All Over
12. C’est La Vie
13. People Get Ready
14. Lucky Man
15. Karn Evil 9 (1st Impression, Part II)
CD 7: Emerson/Lake – Live from Manticore Hall
1. From The Beginning
2. Introduction
3. I Talk To The Wind
4. Bitches Crystal
5. The Barbarian
6. Take A Pebble
7. Tarkus
8. C’est La Vie
10. Pirates
11. Moog Solo / Lucky Man