Fleetwood Mac z novim “zabojem” svoje glasbe!
Fleetwood Mac bodo 4. 9. 2020 pri založbi Rhino Records izdali dva različna zaboja svoje glasbe, ki se bosta osredotočala na zgodnjo ero delovanja skupine.
Prvi zaboj z naslovom “Fleetwood Mac 1969-1974” bo vseboval osem albumov v remasterizirani zvočni podobi in sicer: Then Play On, Kiln House, Future Games, Bare Trees, Penguin, Mystery To Me in Heroes Are Hard To Find.
K standardnim skladbam albumov bodo dodane verzije v editiranih single različicah, skladbe v izvirnih verzijah ter njihove alternativne verzije. Prav tako bo dodan poleg še nikoli izdani koncertni dokument iz kalifornijskega kraja Sausalito (prizorišče The Record Plant), kjer so Fleetwood Mac nastopili leta 1974, le nekaj mesecev preden sta se ekipi pridružila Stevie Nicks in Lindsey Buckingham.
Drugi zaboj bo vseboval štiri vinilne plošče in sicer: neizdani koncertni album iz leta 1974 ter albume Penguin, Mystery To Me in Heroes Are Hard To Find.
V ta vinilni zaboj bo dodan sedeminčni vinilni single za skladbo For Your Love (Mono Promo Edit), temu pa bo na B-stran singla dodana doslej še neizdana Good Things (Come To Those Who Wait).
Rhino Records pripravlja tudi ponatis barvnih verzij Fleetwood Mac albumov, kamor so všteti tudi Penguin, Mystery To Me, Heroes Are Hard To Find, koncertni album in sedeminčni vinil.
Fleetwood Mac 1969-1974: CD box set
Then Play On (1969)
1. Coming Your Way
2. Closing My Eyes
3. Show-Biz Blues
4. My Dream
5. Underway
6. Oh Well
7. Although The Sun Is Shining
8. Rattlesnake Shake
9. Searching For Madge
10. Fighting For Madge
11. When You Say
12. Like Crying
13. Before The Beginning
14. Oh Well Pts I & II (Bonus)
15. The Green Manalishi (With The Two Prong Crown) (Bonus)
16. World In Harmony (Bonus)
Kiln House (1970)
1. This Is The Rock
2. Station Man
3. Blood On The Floor
4. Hi Ho Silver
5. Jewel Eyed Judy
6. Buddy’s Song
7. Earl Gray
8. One Together
9. Tell Me All The Things You Do
10. Mission Bell
11. Dragonfly (Bonus)
12. Purple Dancer (Bonus)
13. Jewel Eyed Judy (Single Version) (Bonus)
14. Station Man (Single Version) (Bonus)
Future Games (1971)
1. Woman Of 1000 Years
2. Morning Rain
3. What A Shame
4. Future Games
5. Sands Of Time
6. Sometimes
7. Lay It All Down
8. Show Me A Smile
9. Sands Of Time (Single Version) (Bonus)
10. Sometimes (Alt. Version) (Bonus)
11. Lay It All Down (Alt. Version) (Bonus)
12. Stone (Bonus)
13. Show Me A Smile (Alt. Version) (Bonus)
14. What A Shame (Unedited) (Bonus)
Bare Trees (1972)
1. Child Of Mine
2. The Ghost
3. Homeward Bound
4. Sunny Side Of Heaven
5. Bare Trees
6. Sentimental Lady
7. Danny’s Chant
8. Spare Me A Little Of Your Love
9. Dust
10. Thoughts On A Grey Day
11. Trinity (Bonus)
12. Sentimental Lady (Single Version) (Bonus)
Penguin (1973)
1. Remember Me
2. Bright Fire
3. Dissatisfied
4. (I’m A) Road Runner
5. The Derelict
6. Revelation
7. Did You Ever Love Me
8. Night Watch
9. Caught In The RainAdvertisement
Mystery To Me (1973)
1. Emerald Eyes
2. Believe Me
3. Just Crazy Love
4. Hypnotized
5. Forever
6. Keep On Going
7. The City
8. Miles Away
9. Somebody
10. The Way I Feel
11. For Your Love
12. Why
13. For Your Love (Mono Promo Edit) (Bonus)
14. Good Things (Come To Those Who Wait) (Bonus)
Heroes Are Hard To Find (1974)
1. Heroes Are Hard To Find
2. Coming Home
3. Angel
4. Bermuda Triangle
5. Come A Little Bit Closer
6. She’s Changing Me
7. Bad Loser
8. Silver Heels
9. Prove Your Love
10. Born Enchanter
11. Safe Harbour
12. Heroes Are Hard To Find (Single Version) (Bonus)
Live From The Record Plant 15/12/74
1. Green Manalishi (With The Two Prong Crown)
2. Angel
3. Spare Me A Little Of Your Love
4. Sentimental Lady
5. Future Games
6. Bermuda Triangle
7. Why
8. Believe Me
9. Black Magic Woman/Oh Well
10. Rattlesnake Shake
11. Hypnotized