Eskimo Callboy razširjajo prihajajočo koncertno turnejo!
Eskimo Callboy nemška metalcore/electronicore zasedba, ki je pred dobrimi tremi leti zaslovela s singlom in videom za skladbo MC Thunder, najavlja novo koncertno turnejo.
Bend, ki je zaradi Covid-19 situacije načrtoval izvedbo turneje, ki bi se morala pričeti v januarju 2021 sporoča, da je do tega dne celotna turneja skoraj že razprodana, vendar pa mora skupina, zaradi stanja v kakršnem se nahaja cel svet, načrtovati nove termine za kasnejši čas.
Vse že prodane vstopnice ostajajo seveda še naprej v veljavi. Bend obljublja da bo ob prestavitvi celotne koncertne turneje zabukiral še večja koncertna prizorišča, razširil turnejo z dodatnimi termini in postregel s še večjo koncertno oziroma odrsko produkcijo, ki bo obiskovalcem vzela sapo.
Eskimo Callboy bodo v prihajajočih dneh razodeli še več podrobnosti v zvezi z novimi koncertnimi termini.
Izvirno sporočilo skupine v angleškem jeziku:
“Hey everybody,today we come round the corner with a message that a lot of you might already have expected, but which still pierces us to our maltreated artist hearts.”
“With the covid-19 pandemic still going strong, we are forced to postpone our upcoming tour in january 2021.”
“After all these months of not being able to see you all, this tour was our ray of hope.With your help we could almost sell out the entire tour and even some extra dates. It‘s your wonderful support and feedback that makes us still stay positive!”
“So we are happy to tell you that we’re gonna come back with a new album and the biggest release tour that we‘ve ever played. With bigger venues, more dates and a stage production that will take your breath away. And the best thing is, your tickets will stay valid for this new tour.”
“We will provide you with more information on that topic soon.”
“So we sincerely hope to see you on our new tour and wish you and your loved ones all the best. Take good care of each other and stay healthy.”
Much love,