Camel pripravljajo zaboj 32. CD-jev “Air Born: The MCA & Decca Years 1973-1984”
Camel, britanske legende progresivnega rocka, pripravljajo izid posebnega zaboja s kar 32. CD zgoščenkami. Gre za material, ki je izšel med letoma 1973 in 1984 pri založbah MCA Records in Decca.
Ta orjaški zaboj se bo imenoval “Air Born: The MCA & Decca Years 1973-1984” in bo izšel pri založbi UMC predvidoma v drugi polovici letošnjega leta. Material, ki bo v celoti remasteriziran, bo vseboval vse Camel albume, kot tudi vse izdane single, ki so izšli med letoma 1973 in 1984, pri čemer bo za albume “Camel”, “Mirage”, “Music Inspired By The Snow Goose”, “Moonmadness” in “Nude” vključeval tudi obdelavo v novih stereo in 5.1 Surround Sound zvočnih verzijah.
Novi zaboj bo vseboval tudi nove mikse koncertov: “The Marquee Club”, “London 1974”, “Hammersmith Odeon 1976” in “Hammersmith Odeon 1977”, kot tudi izvzete skladbe, ki niso uspele priti na albume v času njihovih snemanj ter nastope na BBC-jevi oddaji In Concert, v letih 1974, 1975, 1977 in 1981.
K vsemu bo dodan tudi Blu-ray disk s promocijskimi videi in televizijskimi posnetki s strani BBC-ja v oddajah “The Old Grey Whistle Test” ter “Sight And Sound In Concert”, kot tudi Blu-ray s koncertnim filmom iz leta 1984 imenovanim “Pressure Points”. V zbirki ne manjka razkošna knjiga, spremljevalni esej ter plakat.
Četudi Camel v zvezi z zabojem niso uradno še črhnili niti besedice, ga je že mogoče najti na različnih spletnih trgovinah.
Kot je znano so Camel pred kratkim odpovedali vse koncerte “The Last Flight” turneje, saj se je moral kitarist in vodja zasedbe Andy Latimer nemudoma odpraviti na urgentni kirurški poseg hrbtenice. Operacijo je uspešno prestal in trenutno okreva na svojem domu.
Camel: Air Born: The MCA & Decca Years 1973-1984
CD 1 – Camel (1973):
1. Slow Yourself Down
2. Mystic Queen
3. Six Ate
4. Separation
5. Never Let Go
6. Curiosity
7. Arubaluba
bonus tracks:
8. Sarah (previously unreleased)
9. Never Let Go (single version)
10. Homage To The God Of Light (live – from “Greasy Truckers”)
CD 2 – Mirage (1974):
1. Freefall
2. Supertwister
3. Nimrodel / The Procession / The White Rider
4. Earthrise
5. Lady Fantasy
bonus tracks – demo session – Decca Studios 15th June 1973:
6. Earthrise
7. The Traveller
8. Supertwister
9. The White Rider
10. Lady Fantasy
CD 3:
1. Lady Fantasy (Basing Street Studios original mix)
2. Autumn (previously unreleased)
BBC Radio One “In Concert” – 6th June 1974:
3. Nimrodel / The Procession / The White Rider
4. Ligging At Louis’
5. Lady Fantasy
6. Arubaluba
CD 4 – Live at Marquee Club, London – 20th June 1974:
1. Introduction
2. Earthrise
3. Nimrodel
4. Six Ate
5. Supertwister
6. Mystic Queen
7. Arubaluba
CD 5:
1. Rhayader Goes To Town
2. The Snow Goose / Freefall
3. Lady Fantasy
4. Homage To The God Of Light
CD 6 – The Snow Goose (1975):
1. The Great Marsh
2. Rhayder
3. Rhayder Goes To Town
4. Sanctuary
5. Fritha
6. The Snow Goose
7. Friendship
8. Migration
9. Rhayder Alone
10. Flight Of The Snow Goose
11. Preparation
12. Dunkirk
13. Epitaph
14. Fritha Alone
15. La Princesse Perdue
16. The Great Marsh
bonus tracks – single versions:
17. Flight Of The Snow Goose
18. Rhayder
CD 7:
1. Riverman
BBC Radio One “In Concert” – 22nd April 1975:
2. Rhayder Goes to Town
3. Sanctuary
4. The Snow Goose
5. Migration
6. Rhayder Alone
7. Flight Of The Snow Goose
8. Preparation
9. Dunkirk
10. Epitaph
11. La Princesse Perdue
12. The Great Marsh
BBC TV “The Old Grey Whistle Test”:
13. Selections from “The Snow Goose”
CD 8 – A Live Record (1978):
1. Introduction by Peter Bardens
2. The Great Marsh
3. Rhayder
4. Rhayder Goes To Town
5. Sanctuary
6. Fritha
7. The Snow Goose
8. Friendship
9. Migration
10. Rhayder Alone
11. Flight Of The Snow Goose
12. Preparation
13. Dunkirk
14. Epitaph
15. Fritha Alone
16. La Princesse Perdue
17. The Great Marsh
18. Encore: Lady Fantasy (previously unreleased)
CD 9 – Moonmadness (1976):
1. Aristillus
2. Song Within A Song
3. Chord Change
4. Spirit Of The Water
5. Another Night
6. Air Born
7. Lunar Sea
bonus tracks:
8. Sprit Of The Water (demo)
9. Chord Change (demo – previously unreleased)
10. Lunar Sea (demo – previously unreleased)
11. Another Night (single version)
CD 10 – Live at Hammersmith Odeon – 14th April 1976 – 1:
1. Aristillus
2. Song Within A Song
3. The Great Marsh
4. Rhayader
5. Rhayader Goes To Town
6. Air Born
7. Chord Change
8. The White Rider
CD 11 – Live at Hammersmith Odeon – 14th April 1976 – 1:
1. Lunar Sea
2. Preparation
3. Dunkirk
4. Another Night
5. Lady Fantasy
CD 12 – Rain Dances (1977):
1. First Light
2. Metrognome
3. Tell Me
4. Highways Of The Sun
5. Unevensong
6. One Of These Days I’ll Get An Early Night
7. Elke
8. Skylines
9. Rain Dances
bonus tracks:
10. Highways of the Sun (single version)
Live at the Colston Hall, Bristol – 2nd October 1977:
11. First Light
12. Metrognome
13. Unevensong
14. Skylines (Live at Leeds University – 3rd October 1977)
Live at the Colston Hall, Bristol – 2nd October 1977:
15. Lunar Sea
16. Raindances
CD 13:
1. Never Let Go (Live at the Colston Hall, Bristol – 2nd October 1977)
BBC in Concert – Golders Green Hippodrome – 29th September 1977:
2. First Light
3. Metrognome
4. Unevensong
5. Rhayader / Rhayader Goes To Town
6. Skylines
8. Highways Of The Sun
8. Lunar Sea
9. Rain Dances
10. Never Let Go
11. One Of These Days I’ll Get An Early Night
CD 14 – Live at Hammersmith Odeon – 1st October 1977 – 1:
1. First Light
2. Metrognome
3. Unevensong
4. Rhayader
5. Rhayader Goes to Town
6. Preparation
7. Dunkirk
8. Sanctuary
9. The Snow Goose
CD 14 – Live at Hammersmith Odeon – 1st October 1977- 2:
1. Tell Me
2. Song Within A Song
3. Skylines
4. Highway To The Sun
5. Lunar Sea
6. Rain Dances
7. One Of These Days I’ll Get An Early Night
CD 16 – Breathless (1978):
1. Breathless
2. Echoes
3. Wing And A Prayer
4. Down On The Farm
5. Starlight Ride
6. Summer Lightning
7. You Make Me Smile
8. The Sleeper
9. Rainbow’s End
bonus track:
10. Rainbow’s End (single version)
CD 17 – I Can See Your House from Here (1979):
1. Wait
2. Your Love Is Stranger Than Mine
3. Eye Of The Storm
4. Who We Are
5. Survival
6. Hymn to Her
7. Neon Magic
8. Remote Romance
9. Ice
bonus track:
10. Remote Romance (single version)
CD 18 – Nude (1981):
1. City Life
2. Nude
3. Drafted
4. Docks
5. Beached
6. Landscapes
7. Changing Places
8. Pomp And Circumstance
9. Please Come Home
10. Reflections
11. Captured
12. The Homecoming
13. Lies
14. The Birthday Cake (The Last Farewell)
15. Nude’s Return (The Last Farewell)
bonus track:
16. Captured (first version – previously unreleased)
CD 19 – On The Road 1981 (1997):
1. Never Let Go
2. Song Within A Song
3. Lunar Sea
4. Summer Lightning
5. Ice
6. City Life
7. Drafted
8. Docks
9. Beached
10. Landscapes
11. Changing Places
12. Reflections
13. Captured
14. The Birthday Cake (The Last Farewell)
15. Nude’s Return (The Last Farewell)
CD 20 – The Single Factor (1982):
1. No Easy Answer
2. You Are The One
3. Heroes
4. Selva
5. Lullabye
6. Sasquatch
7. Manic
8. Camelogue
9. Today’s Goodbye
10. A Heart’s Desire
11. End Piece
bonus track:
12. You Are The One (promotional 12-inch single version)
CD 21 – Stationary Traveller (1984):
1. Pressure Points
2. Refugee
3. Vopos
4. Cloak and Dagger Man
5. Stationary Traveller
6. West Berlin
7. Fingertips
8. Missing
9. After Words
10. Long Goodbyes
bonus tracks:
11. In the Arms of Waltzing Fraulines
12. Pressure Points (12-inch single extended version)
CD 22 – Pressure Points: Live in Concert – 1:
1. Pressure Points
2. Drafted
3. Captured
4. Lies
5. Refugee
6. Vopos
7. Stationary Traveller
8. West Berlin
9. Fingertips
CD 23 – Pressure Points: Live in Concert – 1:
1. Sasquatch
2. Wait
3. Cloak and Dagger Man
4. Long Goodbyes
5. Rhayader
6. Rhayader Goes to Town
7. Lady Fantasy
CD 24 – Camel / Mirage – stereo remix:
⦁ as on CD 1 – 1-7 and CD 2 – 1-5
CD 25 – The Snow Goose – stereo remix:
⦁ as on CD 6 – 1-16
CD 26 – Moonmadness – stereo remix:
⦁ as on CD 9 – 1-7
CD 27 – Nude – stereo remix:
⦁ as on CD 19 – 1-15
Blu-ray 1 – Camel / Mirage – 5.1 Surround Sound mix:
⦁ as on CD 1 – 1-7 and CD 2 – 1-5
bonus track:
13. Autumn
Blu-ray 2 – The Snow Goose / Moonmadness – 5.1 Surround Sound mix:
⦁ as on CD 6 – 1-16
bonus track:
17. Riverman
⦁ as on CD 9 – 1-7
Blu-ray 3 – Nude – 5.1 Surround Sound mix:
⦁ as on CD 19 – 1-15
Blu-ray 4 – Promo Videos and Live:
1. Never Let Go
2. Arubaluba
3. Selections from “The Snow Goose” (Guildford Civic Hall 1973)
BBC TV “The Old Grey Whistle Test” – 21st June 1975:
4. The White Rider
5. Lunar Sea
6. Preparation
7. Dunkirk
8. Another Night
9. Lady Fantasy
Live at Hammersmith Odeon – 1st October 1977:
10. First Light
11. Metrognome
12. Unevensong
13. Rhayader / Rhayader Goes To Town
14. Skylines
15. Highways Of The Sun
16. Lunar Sea
17. Rain Dances
18. Never Let Go
19. One Of These Days I’ll Get An Early Night
BBC TV “Sight & Sound in Concert” – 29th September 1977:
20. City Life
21. Lies
Blu-ray 5 – Pressure Points – concert film:
1. In The Arms Of Waltzing Fraulines
2. Pressure Points
3. Refugee
4. Vopos
5. Stationary Traveller
6. West Berlin
7. Fingertips
8. Sasquatch
9. Wait
10. Cloak And Dagger Man
11. Long Goodbyes
12. Rhayader
13. Rhayader Goes To Town
14. Lady Fantasy
15. In The Arms Of Waltzing Fraulines