Burton C. Bell zapustil Fear Factory

Fear Factory
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Javnost je pred nekaj dnevi vznemirila novica, da je Burton C. Bell, vokalist kultne industrial metal zasedbe Fear Factory, zapustil skupino.

Burton C. Bell je svoj odhod najavil tri tedne po tem, ko je Dino Cazares, kitarist zasedbe, najavil, da bo po šestih letih izdal nov material, ki je naj bi bil dokončan že leta 2018, vendar so se stvari zavlekle zaradi lastništva imena Fear Factory.

C. Bell je v svoji izjavi za javnost povedal, da so bila pretekla leta polna agonije, po tem ko je moral zaradi pohlepa preostalih članov pristati na sodišču, kar ga je na koncu zgolj finančno oslabilo. Kljub vsemu C. Bell trdi, da ne bodo med sabo skregani člani nikoli vzeli 30-letne zapuščine, ki predstavlja tudi srce in dušo stroja, imenovanega Fear Factory.

Zaradi samega nezaupanja se je C. Bell naposled odločil, da zapusti Fear Factory. Njegov glavni fokus bo sedaj skupina Ascension of the Watchers, s katero je tudi napovedal nov album z naslovom Apocyrpha.

C. Bell se je zahvalil vsem oboževalcem za podpori skozi celotno kariero. Dino Cazares je medtem sicer že podal izjavo na Facebook stran skupine, ki si jo lahko preberete TUKAJ.

Kar se lahko pričakuje od Fear Factory sedaj, je, da bo izšel dolgo pričakovani album, ki bo tudi zadnji z Burtonom C. Bellom na vokalu.

Na fotografiji: Burton C. Bell med nastopom Fear Factory na festivalu Metaldays 2015 (Rockline fotoarhiv 2006 – 2020). Celotno reportažo tega dne s festivala si lahko preberete TUKAJ.

Statement in ENG:


I consider myself a private person, preferring to keep my personal business to myself and trusted loved ones. I make my public statements with thoughtful intent, never deviating from the truth, in spite of the consistent series of dishonest representations and unfounded accusations from past and present band members; a toxic drama I choose to not be part of.

The past several years have been profoundly agonizing, with these members bleeding my passion with depraved deceit. As a direct consequence of their greed, these three have dragged me through the unjust, judicial system, resulting in the legal attrition that has financially crippled me. In the end, these three members have taken possession of my principal livelihood. However, they will never take my 30-year legacy as the beating heart of the machine. A legacy that no other member, past or present, can ever claim.

So, it is after considerable, contemplative soul searching that I have come to the realization that I cannot align myself with someone whom I do not trust, nor respect. Therefore, I am announcing to my fans my departure from Fear Factory, to focus all my energy and attention toward the continuing success for Ascension of The Watchers, and all my future endeavors.

I am very proud of the Ascension of The Watchers’ latest album, APOCRYPHA. The writing and recording process for APOCRYPHA has been a truly cathartic and artistic journey of exploration and growth for me. Reigniting my passions for my writing, allowing my music to flourish, enabling my soul to soar, saving me from the real hell that engulfed a significant part of my daily life. Collaborating with talented, kindred spirits has truly created an inspirational environment of support and mutual respect, a spirit I have missed for a very long time.

I would like to thank all of my fans for their continued support throughout my career. I am very proud of my achievements, but, it is time for me to move forward. Now I look to the future with open eyes, open mind and open heart, as my artistic path strives for even greater success in music, writing and my art. It’s true, “the end is always the beginning”. The soul is free from the machine.

– Burton C. Bell

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