Bruce Dickinson prepričal Zagreb brez pomoči Iron Maiden (2024)

foto: JERNEJ VENE 2024
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Nastopajoči: Bruce Dickinson (predskupina: Keops)
Datum: sobota, 13. 7. 2024
Lokacija: Zagreb / Hala Zagreb / Hrvaška

You will find an English version below (scroll down the bar):

Slovenska verzija:
13. julij je bil peklensko vroč, kot marsikakšen drug dan v tem poletju. Sobotni dan in še posebej večer je vabil k obisku Zagreba, saj se je na turneji The Mandrake Project ustavil renomirani avtor in pevec Bruce Dickinson.

Večer je odprla predskupina Keops z Reke. Igra svojstven thrash metal, v več kot desetletni karieri so izdali tri albume. Izredno prepričljiv vokalno instrumentalni nastop je navdušil predvsem domače poznavalce, drugi pa smo se dodobra seznanili z njihovim zvokom in energičnim nastopom.

Bruce Dickinson je bil ekspresivno prepričljiv, vokalno močan, luciden in na trenutke šaljiv, torej tak, kakršnega poznamo. V nastopu je vidno zares užival. Zlahka bi počival na lovorikah, se sončil na kakem otoku ali jahti, morda pisal novo knjigo spominov. Ne, obiskal je Zagreb na veselje več tisoč fenov, ki so mu jedli iz roke. Lahko rečem, da je bila na dvorišču Hale bivša država v malem.

Mislim, da ni bilo niti enega med nami, ki bi pričakoval kakšno skladbo matične skupine. Zakaj le, če gre za solistično turnejo? Tatooed Millionaire nismo slišali, a pravzaprav to ni niti tako važno, Bruce je dokazal, da je ikona in zaščitni znak velikega legendarnega benda, ki ima veliko povedati tudi v drugem idejnem svetu. Tega goji, kadar le utegne, presneto dobro izvaja ideje, ki jih s svojo neizmerno domišljijo izvablja iz sebe in jih primerno zapakira v milozvočno valovanje.

Oder ga je bil poln, razsvetljava zgledna, a prostoru primerna. Nikakršnega nastopaštva, svetlobnih efektov ali druge navlake. Tokrat je bila glavna glasba in njen glavni protagonist. Bruce je s teatralnimi kretnjami in pregovorno obrazno mimiko začaral navzoče. Ni jih bilo malo, ki so poznali celoten opus, zlahka so mu veselo pritegnili ne samo v refrenih, tudi v kiticah. Med nastopom se je zahvalil Chrisu Daleu, bivšemu basistu v spremljevalni skupini, za katerega je rekel, da je tudi obisk Zagreba njegova zasluga. Našel je grajo za osebja na evropskih letališčih, ki so jih spravili v zadrego s pregledom na meji, zato so v Zagreb prispeli z avtobusom.

Dickinson je postregel z značilno mešanico direktnega, na trenutke kontemplativnega vokala v kombinaciji z gonilno ritmično sekcijo. Res, kakšno vitalnost kaže gospod Dickinson! Niti v enem hipu ni bilo dvoma, da se ne bi videlo, kako uživa. V pomoč mu je bil odličen spremljevalni ansambel. Verno in vestno je preslikal glasbo s studijskih plošč ter jim dodal prenekatero dodatno kvaliteto. Tudi Bruce se je potrudil in na koncu lotil celo theremina, vmes pa je nekajkrat pomagal tudi bobnarju. Pohvale gredo uigranemu bendu, ki so ga sestavljali kitarista Chris Declercq in Philip Naslund, basistka Tanya O’Callaghan, bobnar Dave Moreno in klaviaturist Mistheria oziroma Giuseppe Iampieri. Dolgoletni kitarist in soavtor Roy Z je bil odsoten zaradi osebnih težav.

Osnovni gradniki skladb so sloneli na trdnem ogrodju ritma in basa, hipnotičnost pa so stopnjevali obe kitari ter klaviature. Ritem in zvočna razprostranjenost sta se v soboto združili v popolnoma posebno fizično in psihično doživetje.

Priporočilo za obisk njegovega koncerta je vedno na mestu, dokler bo dihal, bo zagotovo ponudil podobno izkušnjo, kakršna je bila zagrebška.

English version:
July 13th was hot as hell, like many other days this summer. Saturday, and especially the evening, was an invitation to visit Zagreb, as renowned author and singer Bruce Dickinson stopped by on his tour of The Mandrake Project.

The evening was opened by Keops from Rijeka. They play a unique brand of thrash metal and have released three albums in a career spanning more than ten years. Their extremely convincing vocal and instrumental performance impressed especially the local connoisseurs, while the rest of us got thoroughly acquainted with their sound and energetic performance.

Bruce Dickinson was expressively convincing, vocally strong, lucid and at times humorous, just as we know him. He clearly really enjoyed his performance. He could easily have been resting on his laurels, sunbathing on an island or a yacht, perhaps writing a new book of memoirs. No, he visited Zagreb, to the delight of thousands of fans who ate out of his hand. Many came from distant parts of ex Yugoslavia.

I don’t think there was a single one of us who was expecting a song by Iron Maiden. Why only if it’s a solo tour? We didn’t hear Tatooed Millionaire, but actually it doesn’t even matter that much, Bruce proved that he is an icon and a hallmark of a great legendary band that has a lot to say in another idea world. He cultivates this whenever he can, he executes ideas extremely well, bringing them out of himself with his immense imagination and packaging them in a milli-sounding wave.

The stage was full, the lighting was exemplary, but appropriate for the space. No showmanship, lighting effects or other clutter. This time it was the music and its main protagonist that was the main focus. Bruce, with his theatrical gestures and the proverbial facial expressions, held the audience spellbound. There were not a few who knew the whole opus, and they found it easy to cheerfully catch his attention not only in the choruses, but also in the verses. During the performance he thanked Chris Dale, former bassist in the backing band, who said that the visit to Zagreb was also due to him. He found fault with the staff at European airports who had embarrassed them with border checks, so they had arrived in Zagreb by bus.

Dickinson served up his characteristic blend of direct, at times contemplative vocals combined with a driving rhythm section. Indeed, what vitality Mr. Dickinson shows! There was not a moment when one could not see how much he was enjoying himself. He was helped by an excellent backing ensemble. He faithfully and conscientiously transposed the music from the studio albums and added a few extra qualities to them. Bruce did his best too, and even ended up doing the theremin, with a couple of assists from the drummer in between. Kudos to the tight band of guitarists Chris Declercq and Philip Naslund, bassist Tanya O’Callaghan, drummer Dave Moreno and keyboardists Mistheria and Giuseppe Iampieri respectively. Long-time guitarist and co-writer Roy Z was absent due to personal problems.

The basic building blocks of the songs were based on a solid framework of rhythm and bass, while the hypnotic effect was intensified by the two guitars and keyboards. The rhythm and the sonic expansiveness merged on Saturday into a very special physical and psychic experience.

The recommendation to visit his concert is always in place, as long as he breathes he will surely offer a similar experience to the one in Zagreb.

Avtor: Jernej Vene
Fotografije: Jernej Vene

Seznam skladb:
1. Accident of Birth
2. Abduction
3. Laughing in the Hiding Bush
4. Faith
5. Afterglow of Ragnarok
6. Chemical Wedding
7. Tears of the Dragon
8. Resurrection Men
9. Rain on the Graves
10. Frankenstein (The Edgar Winter Group cover)
11. The Alchemist
12. Road to Hell
13. Navigate the Seas of the Sun
14. Book of Thel
15. The Tower

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