KISS prihajajo 9. 7. 2022 v Areno Zagreb!
KISS prihajajo v Zagreb!
Legendarna rock zasedba bo prihodnje leto nastopila v zagrebški Areni!
Ena najuspešnejših rock ‘n’ roll skupin na svetu bo 45 let zmagoslavne, a razburkane glasbene poti , proslavila s posebno turnejo imenovano “End of the road”, ter v sklopu le te nastopili 9. 7. 2022 tudi v Zagrebu. Gre za turnejo, ki so jo KISS začeli še v letu 2019. Koncerti so se takrat odlično prodajali, bend je bukiral dodatne koncerte na istih lokacijah, saj so vstopnice hitro kopnele, potem pa so morali številne napovedane razprodane evropske koncerte preložiti na kasnejši čas.
Tako je skupina z velikim olajšanjem in veseljem pravkar napovedala nove termine, med katerimi se je znašel tudi povsem nov – zagrebški!
KISS, štirje fantomi – skupina, ki si je ne gre predstavljati brez znamenitih maskirnih kostumov, so kreatorji najboljših rock’n’roll spektaklov. Uživajo tudi članstvo v The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in so do tega dne po svetu prodali preko 100 milijonov svojih plošč. Člani skupine so poudarili da je ta koncertna turneja posvečena milijonom njihovih oboževalcev po svetu, ki jih zvesto podpirajo skozi kariero, daljša od 40 let.
“Vse kar smo zgradili, kar smo dosegli skozi več kot štiri dekade delovanja, se nikoli ne bi zgodilo brez milijonov oboževalcev po svetu, ki so nas nenehno spremljali in polnili koncertne stadione, klube in arene. To bo zadnja ultimativna proslava za vse, ki so nas že videli in zadnja priložnost za vse ostale, ki nas še niso. KISS vojska – poslavljamo se od vas z našo zadnjo turnejo, ki pa vam prinaša našo največjo predstavo do tega dne. Z naše poti bomo sestopili, na enak način, kot smo krenili nanjo. Brez mnogo modrovanja in obotavljanja,” pravijo KISS.
V okviru prihajajoče turneje bodo KISS svojim oboževalcem ponudili VIP doživetja in posebne ugodnosti ob nakupu vstopnic v predprodaji. Imetniki VIP paketov se bodo lahko srečali s člani skupine in z njimi slikali, nadalje imeli permanentni dostop do posebnega salona med koncertom, prejeli poseben vačuer za nakup uradnih spominkov skupine. Več informacij o tem bo na voljo, ko steče prodaja vstopnic.
Člani fen kluba “KISS Army”, bodo imeli poseben privilegij, da bodo lahko pričeli z nakupom vstopnic za zagrebški koncert že 25. 5. 2021, od 10.00 ure dalje, medtem ko bo uradna prodaja vstopnic vseh ostalih kategorij stekla 26. 5. 2021, od 10.00 ure dalje, na uradni strani skupine in na prodajni mreži hrvaškega Eventima.
English version:
One of the most successful rock and roll bands in the world will hold a concert in Arena Zagreb on July 9, 2022, as part of their “End of The Road” tour.
After an epic and well documented 45-year career that launched an era of rock n roll legends, KISS launched their final ever tour in 2019.
2019 saw sold out KISS shows across the globe with arguably the greatest KISS show ever! The initial tour announcement was met with huge fan demand for added shows, but the End of the road tour will officially come to a close with a date and NY location yet to be named.Unfortunately, due to world events KISS could not complete the original European dates scheduled through 2020 and 2021. But the band is delighted to announce rescheduled and new European dates for 2022, including a new date and concert at the Zagreb Arena on July 9, 2022.
Known for their trademark larger-than-life blistering performances, KISS has proven for decades why they are hands down the most iconic live show in rock n roll. The Rock & Roll Hall of Famers, who have sold more than 100 million albums worldwide, have said this tour is devoted to the millions of KISS Army fans.”All that we have built and all that we have conquered over the past four decades could never have happened without the millions of people worldwide who’ve filled clubs, arenas and stadiums over those years. This will be the ultimate celebration for those who’ve seen us and a last chance for those who haven’t. KISS Army, we’re saying goodbye on our final tour with our biggest show yet and we’ll go out the same way we came in… Unapologetic and Unstoppable,” said KISS on The End Of the Road tour.
KISS will be offering VIP experiences and special KISS Army fan presales. VIP experiences may include a personal photo opportunity with the band, access to an exclusive pre-show lounge and a behind the scenes tour. There will be a limited number of VIP tickets on sale, and more information can be found on the Eventim website after the start of the sale.
All members of the KISS Army fan club will have the special privilege to buy their tickets for the concert in Zagreb on July 9 from 10 am, 24 hours before the official sale, while the official ticket sales of all other categories will start on May 26 at 10 am at site and sales network of Eventim Croatia.